Monday, March 20, 2023

Happy Spring - When Will The Snow Be Gone Contest!


It is that time of year again, time to play  "when will the snow be gone? "

Incase you have forgotten, here are the rules:

-Post your guess, in the comments on this post,  on which day the snow will be gone in our yard (any area covered by grass, not including the bush), before Saturday March 25, at 11:59pm ET

- The first person by time to pick a date, gets that date, so read the others comments.

-The person who comes closest without going past the date, wins.

-Prize to be determined. For those who may want to play but don't want a prize, a donation can be made to charity in your honour instead.

-Updates will be provided at least weekly during the contest. 

To help you pick your date, here are some pictures from the front yard yesterday:

I will miss making snow angles when the snow is gone.

Wishing everyone luck, but we know we will be the biggest winners because the snow will be gone and spring will finally be here!


  1. I will take April 30! Although my guess is that Molly and I may be running neck-in-neck....

  2. Sorry ... we'll go with the 4th of July when the corn is so high!

  3. Hari OM
    Well, that fresh layer of snow has me wondering if it might have become permanent... but I will once again select my birthday as the date - April 26th! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Phod and Lee
    My guess is Bryan's bday April 27
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. We will guess May 4th and hope "the Force will be with us". BOL!

  6. Gail and I are taking it seriously this year and are going to consult our friend Anne's weather geek husband to see if he has any predictions about the weather in your part of the world in the next few weeks. We'll be back!

  7. April 30th , our anniversary.

    1. Whoops already taken ....let's try May 7th

    2. Beth, not anonymous...Gemma's person.

  8. There’s still so much snow! I’m guessing it’s gonna be a month before all that snow is gone, so April 20. ~Ernie

  9. So Gail has consulted her Weather Geek friends, who actually ran their weather prediction model for Ottawa and also asked to see the pictures of how much snow there is right now - yes, this contest is being taken VERY seriously.
    Our guess is 1st May,

  10. We have no idea! We'll make a wild guess at April 15??? We finally have a little warm weather here in WNY. There are still a few spots of snow in the shady spots.

  11. Thank you for sharing this wonderful and unique place - Ruby Rose


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