Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween

We told Lady she got one shot of each of us, even with cheese, that is all she got before we turned into weredogs and made her into a ghost.

This is what she got:

When the pressure is on, she can do it!

Happy Haunting! May your day be filled with treats! 

Sunday, October 30, 2016

No Tricks Just Treats For Shelters

Today we are joining our wonderful friends Dory, Arty, Jakey and Bilbo for No Tricks Just Treats for Shelters. Be sure to pop over to their blog for wonderful ideas on how to help local shelters and make sure to leave a comment for their comment-a-thon!

We both did time in shelters. Hailey was taken from a shelter at about 3 weeks old and after Phod was found hitchhiking, he spent a couple weeks in one. We admit that after reading all the wonderful things our pals are doing for local shelters we need to do more. The most consistent thing we do is that every time Lady buys us supplies at PetSmart and they ask if she wants to make a donation, she does. This year they were doing a shelter food drive and she bought a bunch of food for the shelter. That is how we help. 

This is our 2015 picture - Lady was too busy with Maggie yesterday to get a 2016 year one yet

Thanks to Dory and the Boyz for organizing this great event! 

Saturday, October 29, 2016

This Happened!

Our girl, who is generally terrified of small people, amazed us last night. Our niece Maggie is staying with us for the weekend. Yes, Lee barked at first, but within a few hours, this happened . . . .

Maggie was eating an orange, not a food Lee even likes. She just snuggled up next to her and was looking for pets! We were amazed (especially because our girl is 5 days off prozac). Let's hope the weekend continues to be so successful! 

Be sure to come back tomorrow as we are joining Dory and the Boyz for No Tricks Just Treats For Shelters. Be sure to visit them as they are having a comment-a-thon.

Also, a friendly reminder that Tuesday is the last day to get on the Christmas Card List. If you want on, please email us at leeandphodATbellDOTnet or give your info to Oreo and you will get on the list.

Finally, remember November 8th is Blogville election day. Zaphod is the election judge and all votes will be submitted at our blog. For all the details of voter rules etc. please click HERE. We will post all the rules on election day. Phod is going to be a strict judge. The polls are only open for 24 hours. To help everyone know when, Murphy and Stanley have created this wonderful poster. (We are testing moderated comments to keep everyone's votes a secret, so it will be on for a day or two now, then be off until after the votes are counted and deleted). If you have any questions about the election let us know. 

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Helping A Wonderful Cause

Lady has mentioned her new favourite charity here before, Safe Pet Ottawa. This charity provides foster homes for pets for women fleeing domestic abuse. On the weekend, Lady and Man went to the inaugural Safe Pet Masquerade Ball. Lady heard about this because one of her coworkers is a member of the Safe Pet Board.

We were left home alone for hours, in the wind. We were very good and the house was fine when our people came back.  We would like to be annoyed with them, but they brought home a basket of goodies for us. They bought it in the silent auction. We even got a treat right away, in the middle of the night.  That never happens.

The first wonderful treats, little cupcakes, with paper
While we don't like to be left alone, we are glad our people were able to help out such a wonderful cause.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Free In The Yard

As mentioned before, we have been working to give our girl some "free" time in the yard. It has to be under very specific conditions so she is successful (aka we aren't freaking out because she ran away). The day of our fall photoshot, we let her run around the yard. She was attached to her tie out, but it wasn't attached to anything. The pups had a lot of fun!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Mischief Monday - Grasshopper

A few weeks ago when I was trying to take the dogs autumn pictures, Hailey was distracted by something moving in the grass. It was a grasshopper. 

She had a great time hunting it and eating it. What a silly girl!



Sunday, October 23, 2016

Friday, October 21, 2016

Flower Friday - Tree

Since flower season is over here, we are cheating a little for Dory's Flower Friday and showing off some of the colours in our yard. The colours in the Gatineau Hills exploded last week and we are lucky to live in them and enjoy them right from the comfort of our home. 

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Autumn Pictures

Lady made us pose for our annual autumn pictures. We were sort of cooperative. Here are some of the best. 

Something smells good over there

Can we be done yet?

Being serious

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

PSA: Getting Ready For Halloween

If you are getting ready for Halloween, there are a number of fun things to keep in mind.

Our good friend Nellie is creating a pumpkin patch. If you want her to make you a cool pumpkin, click here HERE and she will make one and add you to the patch.  Here is our special pumpkin.

Also, Dory is hosting a fun Halloween event. Be sure to get your pictures in ASAP to be at the best party in Blogville!

While we hate to get too far ahead of ourselves, it is also time to think about the Christmas card list. For information on how to get on/off it visit Oreo or send us an email at leeandphodATbellDOTnet.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Mischief Monday - A Weird Landing

The Man got home from work last week and was getting ready to take the pups out. He normally has Hailey jump up onto the bench beside the front door to put her leash on (so he doesn't have to bend as far). Hailey was very excited, perhaps made worse by the fact that she is being weened off her prozac for the winter, and jumped up on the cabinet beside the bench.

The cupboard beside the bench - Hailey jumped by the flowers. 

She jumped up by the flowers, which the Man caught before they fell and she left a big scratch in the top.  It sort of matches the scars on my arm from her love.

Another forever mark from our special girl. 

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Friday, October 14, 2016

See Beautiful Friday - Neigh-bours

Today in our see beautiful post, we are seeing the beauty in our neighbours, the horses. Sometimes they come to close to the fence and we have to bark at them, but most of the time, they are just good neigh-bours.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Someone Is Getting Ready For Winter

There is a really big hill over a couple streets we usually avoid. We avoid it because the Lady is lazy and doesn't like doing 1000 steps up a steep and curvy hill.  Lady says she won't do it when it is dark (when we do most of our walking) because she doesn't trust drivers coming down it to keep us safe. Last Saturday, because Lady is now such a gym junky, she decided to take it on.  [Note: The dogs didn't love climbing this hill very much, it is very steep in places.]

Here we are at the top, looking down the hill.

Do you see what we see on the right at the top?

That is right, someone has left their sled. They are clearly getting ready for winter so they can zoom down the hill when the snow comes. Lady says that would be the best way to go down (although she also said you would likely get seriously hurt).

Monday, October 10, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving

An old picture, Lady hasn't done our 2016
yet as the leaves aren't pretty enough
Here in Canada we celebrate Thanksgiving on the second Monday of October. Yesterday we had our feast and got lots and lots of treats and love from some of our favourite people.

Today we are taking time to give thanks for our wonderful lives. We have loving homes, plenty of food to eat, we get lots of exercise, and we have wonderful friends, some who we know in the furs and some virtually. We are very thankful to be part of the loving, wonderful, Blogville community. It is truly the best place in the world. While we have been busy and not able to visit like we would like to, please know you are all never far from our thoughts.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Selfie Sunday - Zaphod

"Lady, why did we stop walking?"

"Oh you want me to take a handsome picture of myself for the Blog. Ok then."