Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Service I Expect - by Lee

 Dear pals,

I always like to keep things fresh and keep my people on their toes. This past week I have added a new game.

We go out. I go on my perimeter patrol. Then I decide it is too much effort to walk up the hill or up the stairs to the front door and I demand to be let in the basement.

This door is only opened for me when there is another person inside, because it is locked.

your pal, Hailey Bug who is trying new things out

Monday, September 9, 2024

Not So Much Mischief on Monday

 Dear Pals,

On Friday, Lady took us for our monthly Librela shots. As we mentioned last month, Lady wasn't sure about taking us both alone. If you recall our trip as a family had poop and vomit.

Friday morning, after some challenges getting us into the car (we aren't stupid, we didn't want to go), we had an uneventful drive to the clinic.

We waited well in the waiting room. Lee only barked when 2 little dogs barked at her first.

We went to the exam room.

While Lee complained a little during her shot, the tech said we are both super good dogs at the vet. Lady was excited to know we were good. 

We waited ok while Lady paid and made our next appointment.

The drive home was uneventful.

So it was a success, with not much mischief.

We hope this makes up from last months craziness.

your pals, the young at heart Lee and Phod

Friday, September 6, 2024

Nature Friday - Connecticut Adventures

 Thanks to Rosy and Sunny for hosting this event.

On August 23rd, I drove the 8.5 hours, through 2 provinces and 3 states to visit a friend who lives outside Hartford Connecticut. I had never been to Connecticut. The drive was beautiful and rather uneventful.

I had an amazing time with my friend and her lovely children. Here are some of the nature highlights.

My friend and I climbed the 1000 feet up to see the Heublein Tower in Talcott Mountain State Park.

Looking down from the top

The tower

The valley below

Fun fact, it was in this location that Eisenhower was asked to run for president. 

We also took a two trips to Enders State Forest, once without the children, and once for the children to play in the water. There are many places that are safe and less rocky that many people were enjoying. 

Finally, on the nature circuit, we went and picked flowers at a farm, and enjoyed some cows.

Rows of flowers

My cup

The weekend went by quickly and Monday I took the long drive home. Again a beautiful drive. 

I hope you enjoyed this mix of nature.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

A Patrol I Shouldn't Do - by Phod

 Dear pals,

We live on a very quiet private, one lane dirt road that has like 4 permanent residents and 6 cottagers. It is generally very boring. Well the other day, it was exciting. While I was out doing my yard patrol, two people I didn't know, jogged by. Now clearly this young couple, who were minding their business, were a great threat to my Lady, so I had to run  down the driveway barking at them, while Lady yelled for me to stop and that I was nice.

They laughed and kept running, and I didn't go after them. Once they were past my driveway, they were no longer a threat.

I may have taken this opportunity to do some road patrol.

Lady making me go back up the driveway

I am not supposed to be on the road without my Lady or Man, but I couldn't help it. The deer are by the apple tree a lot and there are so many cats. Lady will have to forgive me, because I am just doing the important job of keeping her safe.

your pal, Road Patrol Phod

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Happy Gotcha Day Hailey!

 Today, we celebrate 14 years with Hailey!

She has never been an easy dog. However, in spite of the destruction, anxiety and craziness, she has always been wonderful.

Today we celebrate 14 years with her!

Monday, September 2, 2024

Mischief Monday - When Lady was Away and New Food - by Lee

 Dear pals,

Lady will tell you about her brief time away on Friday. While she was gone, Phod and I made sure to not make Man's life easy. We got up in the night, and needed to get up too early. We took ourselves for walks. Man also switched our food to a senior food and while we love it, it has turned me into a poop machine (Phod doesn't have the same problem). I have been having accidents and needing to go 6 times a day. My people are working on switching me to another food that may not have me make as much poop. Apparently they don't like cleaning up poop from the house 1-2 times per day and taking me out to poop every other minute. 

As soon as Lady got back, she took me out, and I ran away to show her my displeasure.

Don't worry, I didn't go far and I came back ready for a cookie.

So basically, it has just been a normal sort of week in our house.

You pal, who is celebrating her Gotcha Day tomorrow, Hailey Bug

Friday, August 23, 2024

Nature Friday - The Hill - by Lady

There is a very steep hill about 1 km (.62 miles) from our house that we use to walk up. Now we don't as it is too far and too steep for my old dogs, so this summer I have been using it as a training walk on my solo walks.  The hill itself is about .4km/.25mi. After a few months I finally made it to the top!

Thanks to Rosy and Sunny for hosting this hop!

We are taking a short break from the blog as I go on a solo adventure. We will be back soon!

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Dear Vet

Dear Vet,

Lady says you are a nice person but I don't think I agree. You said my ears were filthy. They were so dirty, you had to test them to make sure they weren't infected. You told my people to clean my ears daily.

I have not made this chore easy.I have screamed, I have fought, I pulled. They kept doing it (but only every other day because I was bad enough I made it terrible for them). 

One of my ears is clean and the other is getting better. I have gotten slightly less resistant to this. 

I am not happy with this recommendation. 

I do not think we will be friends.

Not your pal, Hailey

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Trouble on A Tuesday - The Most Terrible Day - by Phod

 Dear pals,

I must admit that my life is usually pretty good. My people take good care of me. I get to sleep in the closet a lot. However, one day last week I had the most terrible awful day.

It started out ok. After lunch, Lady left the house for maybe 50 minutes to go on a solo walk. I was asleep in the closet when she left. 

When she returned, as soon as she opened the door the scent hit her.  While she was out, I had a little problem. I went downstairs and managed to walk and have diarrhea that coved about 12 feet. Lady scrubbed and cleaned and had to open all the windows because the scent lingered. 

My tummy continued to be unsettled for the rest of the afternoon, but fortunately, we were able to get outside.

That evening, during my post dinner stroll, we stopped to chat with Callie's people. I was having a nice time catching up. I was a little mad at Callie's Man for being away and didn't really want to talk to him.  He would go to pet me and I would turn away. Suddenly, out of no where all these wasps appeared where I was standing. As Lady was trying to move me, I stepped on a wasp. It hurt! Callie's Man gave me a lot of love. He and my Man checked my paw. It stung and I limped home.

While I wasn't happy about being stung, what happened next was worse. My people tried to ice my paw. I did not like this. I kicked the ice out, making the floor slippery and then slid and fell and it was horrible.

My paw felt fine by the next day.

Needless to say, I don't need a bad day like that again anytime soon.

your pal, please keep the ice to yourself Phod

Monday, August 19, 2024

Happy Birthday Dear Man!

 Today we celebrate a milestone birthday for our Man. He turns the Big 5-0!

Please join us in wishing him a very happy birthday!

Friday, August 16, 2024

Nature Friday - Random Shots

 Thanks to our dear friends Rosy and Sunny for hosting this event.

Here are some random shots Lady took last week

Her poor sunflowers after the storm

Hints of summer ending . . . .

From the Ghost Ship adventure

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Perimeter Patrol - by Lee

 Dear pals,

If I am honest, there is one really good thing about getting old. I get a lot more off leash time now. Lady says it is because I can't run and jump as fast. I got in the bush once this summer, and got stuck and didn't like it. I am likely only going to wander next door and the neighbours are happy to have me visit.

One of the things I want to do 1-2 times a day, is what Lady calls my perimeter check. I walk around the edge of the yard, checking things out. Lady usually follows me, just to be sure. She doesn't 100% trust me. I can't imagine why?

your pal, the patrol pup, Hailey Bug

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Celebration - by Phod

 Thank you to everyone who took the time to wish me a happy Gotcha Day. 

Lady was out a lot of the day, but when she was home, she sang and sang and sang. 

It wasn't all bad, because at dinner, I got a special treat.

Lady got special puppy donuts. She sang while we waited for them.

Because it is good to share, there were 2 and Lee had to wait too. 

Lady says the look on my face, made her laugh. I was done waiting. 

I picked my cookie and then took it and ran to the other room to eat it in peace!

your pal, with a full belly, Phod

Monday, August 12, 2024

Mischief Monday - Annual Check Up and Weather

Friday was the dogs annual check up. I admit, I was a little nervous because at last year's Hailey had her first major neurological event at the check up (what a coincidence). So Man and I took them together.

The check ups went fine. Lee now joins team Librela. Her ears are a bit dirty and need some cleaning. Phod's skin has cleared up nicely and his ears look great. For their ages, they are fine. 

The mischief happened on the drive to the vet.

Before it all went wrong

Before it went crazy!

First, it was pouring rain (more about that in a minute). Less then 10 minutes into the 25 minute drive, Lee pooped on the back seat of the car. Before we could pull over to clean it up, Phod stood in it and then sat on it. I had to clean this up as best I could. Then a few minutes later, after we starting driving again Phod threw up. I admit, I laughed and laughed and laughed. We got to the clinic and got everyone settled to wait inside. I tried to clean the car up a bit better (knowing what needed to happen was a good washing of the dog seat covers) and returned to the clinic to join the rest. We were sitting there and the Man looks at me and goes "is that sh*t on your leg?" - yep somehow I had gotten the dog poop on my leg. This just made me laugh harder. I can't wait until I take them both alone next month for their Librela shots!

Wanting to go

On the list of the day's patients

Later in the day, after a lot of rain (apparently up to 4 inches in a day, record breaking numbers), Man and I were heading to the city to do the Escape the Ghost Ship that got stormed out  the previous Saturday night (a thunder storm had rolled in and it was not safe to be on a boat - we drove home in hail). We got to drive through flooding, caused by Hurricane Debby. 

This is what the road about 10 minutes from our house usually looks like.

This was taken about 24 hours after the next picture

This is what we drove through.

Should we have turned around? Probably!

On our way home, it had gotten higher and worse. At the barrier, they told us we had a 50-50 chance of being able to get home that way. We may need to do a 1.5 hour detour. We knew a back road through the mountains that we had to use during previous flooding. Fortunately, that 15 minute or so detour was open and we were home in good time. By the morning the 4 feet of water (that is how high it got) had receded and the highway was open again. 

(We technically didn't escape the ghost ship - there was a little cheating at the end by a team member that got the amulet - although our team - who were all just other random people there, got very close and much closer than the other group).

Special thanks to June and Ann for featuring Hailey in their animal feature last Friday. You can check it out HERE