Friday, July 26, 2024

FFF Nature Friday - Grass

 It is that special day of the month where Aunty-Yam's FFF and Rosy and Sunny's Nature Friday converge.

Here is a little poem by Lee:

In the field where I roam

Beside my beautiful home

The deer like to play

I want to hop in it all day

Looking for poop from deer

After alll her hoping she decided it was too thick for this old Lady and abandonned the grass and stuck to the path. 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Grass Bath - by Phod

Dear pals,

On days I am not feeling too stiff, I still love a good roll. Lady says I am having a grass bath. 

She can't imagine how I get so much dirt in my ears sometimes. 

Rolling is the best.

your pal, Phod, roller extraordinaire

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Trouble on a Tuesday - Race - by Lee

Dear pals,

The other evening we were having a nice stroll around the field, when this old girl got a fun idea. Let's race!
Walking more or less with everyone

Without the starting pistol, I started to run. 

Can you spot me?

I am not as fast as I was, but Man couldn't keep up.

Phod and Lady didn't even try.

I ended the race in the neighbour's yard.

I won.

It was fun. I even checked in a few times to make sure Man was ok.

I may be old, but I still got some spunk.

your pal, Hailey Bug, Gold medalist in the Paradise field race

Monday, July 22, 2024

Mischief Monday - Grass Balls - by Lee

 Dear pals,

You know what the best part about the people mowing the lawn is? The riding mower leaves these little hard balls of grass that are super yummy.

This action really annoys the Lady and you spends most of our outside time trying to stop us, because these bits of grass upset our stomach.

Next time she goes to eat something too spicy or too much dairy, maybe I will do the same.

Your, pal, Hailey Bug who is part cow

Friday, July 19, 2024

Nature Friday - Flowers and Favourites

Thanks to our wonderful friend's Rosy and Sunny for hosting this event.

First we thought we would start with Lady's side garden (that when these pictures were taken needed to be weeded). Lady is very much a minimal care gardener. She wants to set it and do the least possible to make it pretty.

Here is a little shot of it.

Now up close. Some pretty flower Man bought her last year that she can't remember the name of. 

One of the sunflowers she planted from seed that the deer have not eaten. 

Her bee balm (aka Monarda) a little past it's peek, but still pretty.

Now for the favourite. Lady's favourite bird is the heron, so she was very excited when we were at the take and there was one!

We hope you enjoyed a little of our nature.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Changing Fur - by Lee

 One of the things I have noticed this summer, as I am well into my 14th year, is that my fur is changing.

I use to be sleek and black.

Here is a nice picture of my fur in 2020.

Now, I am getting a red undertone. My fur is not as shiny and I am shedding more.

It is hard to catch the difference in pictures, so we hope you can see it

I guess the changing fur is just another exciting change I get to have as I get old.

Your pal, the young at heart, Lee, who didn't mean to keep Lady up for almost an entire night last week, and she had to take a day off work because with like 3 hours of sleep was useless, and I spent the entire day pacing and she had to take me out something like 18 times and ended up with a bad headache but still really loves me

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Tasty Tuesday - Feeding Time

 We both want to use the raised feeder now. We hate the food on the stool. The Lady and Man decided before purchasing a second to see if we could share.

We can. Now if only she would stop taking our pictures and let us eat!

Monday, July 15, 2024

Mischief Monday - The Cost - by Phod

 Dear pals,

I learned on the weekend that if I want to be able to do this

when I get home I have to do this

and it makes me feel this.

I am not sure I like this new type of torture or if it was worth it.

your pal Phod, whose people don't want him to get another skin infection

Friday, July 12, 2024

Nature Friday - Field Finds

 Thanks to Rosy and Sunny for hosting this event.

Yesterday we said we would share some of the fun things we found in the field on a walk last week. Enjoy!


More flowers

Even more flowers

Phod stopping to smell the flowers

Bees on flowers

From afar, a bunch of baby turkeys!

With turkeys around, it means back on leash

The remains of a deer

More deer - oh dear

Wild monkey of a Quebec field (aka a toy Callie must have taken over)

We hope you enjoyed the nature as much as we enjoyed finding it! 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Evening Field Walks Are Back!

 Dear pals, 

Some evenings, we are going for walks in the field!

There are so many good sniffs in the field.

Stop by tomorrow and see some of the cool nature we found last week.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Trouble on a Tuesday - Old Lady Life by Lee

 Dear pals,

it was a mixed bag week for this old gal. My Lady is in charge of me 6/7 nights (the Man does Saturday night) and I was up some of them. There was a storm Friday night, so that, then my upset tummy at 3:45, Lady was up a lot. We let her sleep until 10:30 am on Saturday. Lady is not at all frustrated that on Man's one night I only had to go out at 5:30 and not for a 3 am walk.  (Note, Man will not take me for a middle of the night walk, only Lady will).

This week saw this old gal, have a very upset stomach, wander into the bush and get stuck as I couldn't find a way out, up a lot in the night, one night I only told Lady I had to go after I had pooped all over the floor, having more trouble with my back end, and being very picky about the food I ate. Apparently taking out random pieces and leaving them on the floor is not loved by my people. 

Food all over the floor

Lady says I got really old really fast, but since I always lived faced, it makes sense. 

So that is where we are. Lady is exhausted with me and some crazy work stuff, but we are hanging in dear friends. To make it a bit easier for Lady, sometimes I let her have a little snuggle with me. Overall, I am happy enough. I am living my life on my terms.

We will see how this week goes.

your pal, Hailey Bug

Monday, July 8, 2024

Mischief Monday - It Shouldn't be Like Cheers

 Dear pals,

Lady was telling me about this old TV show called Cheers, where in the theme song they said "where everyone knows your name" and when the character named Norm walked in everyone would yell "Norm."

I have been to the vet so often lately, when I walked in on Friday they said "Zah-phod". They didn't say it right,  but they did know me. Lady gently said "Zayphod" and they laughed and said someday they would get it right. 

The sting of being famous at a vet clinic was taken out a bit when some other client went on about how beautiful I was.

Anyway, I got my old man Librela shot Friday and hopefully don't have to go back for a full month for my next one and my annual check up. Maybe they will forget who I am. 

Your pal, who doesn't like everyone at the vet knowing his name Zaphod

Friday, July 5, 2024

Nature Friday - Walk The Plank

Lady and Man hadn't been to the beach for some time because since Mr. Phod can't go thanks to his skin infection, they haven't gone.

Anyway, when they had people over last weekend, they went (without us) and they were shocked with what they saw.

The first pictures was taken summer 2020. You can see the beach and easily get to the dock.

Now let's look at June 30, 2024.

The lake is so high, the beach is gone and you have to walk the plank to get to the dock. Callie's Lady, who has lived out here her whole life (so 40 years) has never seen the lake so high.  We will continue to watch and see how the water levels go. 

Thanks to Rosy and Sunny for hosting this hop.

Thursday, July 4, 2024


 Hi Lady, nothing to see here. I am just being a good boy, standing here looking at the wildflowers.

I am most definitely not thinking about walking over and visiting Callie and her people.

Happy 4th of July to all our American pals!