Lady: Well my boy, you have lived with us for just over 8 months and I thought I would check in and see how things are going. How are you liking living here?
Phod: Lady, I love it. I am so happy. I hope you are happy. I only want to
make you happy.
The blur returning from deer mind control. |
Lady: I love you very much and you make me very happy. You are my special boy. Unlike your beloved adopted sister, you have never made me question my decision to adopt you. Although, if you didn't want to drop your ball or rope toy in the bath with me, that would be good with me.
Phod: Ok. I just want you to love me and be happy. I want everyone to be happy. I am really sorry that sometimes the deer or turkeys come by and use their mind control and make me run after them. I really don't want to, but their mind control is strong and I have to.
Lady: I don't like when you run off, especially on the road, because I am worried you will get hurt. However, I know you will come back.
Phod: Thank you for not being mad or hating me. I am always scared when I get free that you will hate me or beat me.
Lady: No one who meets you could hate you. Phody, we don't beat dogs here. You don't need to worry about that anymore. What are your thoughts on FlyBall?
Phod: Well first you give me a big pill that makes me have to poop, a lot. Then you put me in the car, which I am trying to learn to love to make you happy, but it makes me stressed. Then I get there and I am not allowed to sniff the other dogs. One has a scary bark, and I am afraid of him, so I get scared. The teacher yells a lot, and pushes me sometimes and I don't like that. I would like it if she was happier.
Lady: I am sorry it is not your favourite thing. You are doing a great job there, even if you get a little scared. I admit, I am not enjoying this class as the teacher has a different philosophy then I have when teaching people. The world is full of different types of people and scary people and we have to learn to work with them.
Phod: I know. But I like happy people best. Lady I love you very much and I love talking to you, but can we stop talking and play some ball. That would make me very happy!
Note from Lee - it is my blog after all. My Lady has been being very mean and not letting me blog or read blogs because she has been working a lot. She has been using her free time to love us instead of blogging, which is good, but I miss you all. If she would only leave her computer at home during the day then I could do it myself.