Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Travel Tuesday - Man's 50th Birthday Adventure - Marseille France

 On our cruise, our next port was Marseille France. Marseille is the second most populated city in France. It was founded by the Greeks around 600 BCE. This is the city we wandered and learned the least about.

We took the shuttle the about 30 minutes from the cruise port into the city. It dropped us off near the old port. Here we took the tiny train that would take us up to Notre Dame de la Garde. From there we just wandered our way down, walking about 15 000 steps. 

Enjoy our walk. 

The little train to take you up and down from the Cathedral

Enjoying the ride

The old port looking up to the Cathedral 

The island from the Count of Monte Cristo

The Catherdral

Art on a wall

Love these trees over a car park!

Mandatory gelto 

Some of the original port 

La Porte D'Aix

Part of the old wall

After wandering the city for hours, we sat in the old port and had a late lunch before heading back to the ship. 

We did enjoy our wanders through Marseille. It was nice to do something different. Next week, we will have fun at our last port of call Genoa, Italy. 


  1. Hari OM
    My word you got some lovely shots for your memory books! I particuarly liked the wall art - I gazed at it quite a while... YAM xx

  2. da nelly said he remembers that... he is a marsellaiser... LOL .. the ice cream looks fantabulous!!

  3. Nice trip! My sister and I have a river cruise in France booked for 2026; this year it's a trip to Italy in the fall.

  4. What a beautiful city and so much history to see.


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