Friday, January 24, 2025

Nature Friday - This Week's Winter - by Lee

 Thanks to Rosy and Sunny for hosting this event in Gail's Memory.

This week has been a true winter week.

First it was really cold. One morning it was -27C/-16F without the windchill. 

Then it was cold and snowy.  Look - can you see all the snow on my nose and back?

The snow is pretty. 

We didn't spend too much time outside at the beginning of the week because it hurt our paws. Even Phod, the snow lover didn't want to spend too much time outside. 

Yesterday, it was a little warmer -8C/17F. Lady even took us for a walk once it was light.

Because we had been cooped up for so long, we may have had a little fun with our friends the turkeys.

Fly Away Turkeys!

Silly Lady trusted me off leash - don't worry, I didn't go too far, I didn't leave our yard, the snow was too deep!

Hope you all had a good week!

your pal, Hailey Bug the turkey chaser


  1. hugs to you all we hope the snow will stop for a while it looks like a lot what you got... we try to hop on that team tool, but it seems the mama needs some duct tape

  2. You are right the snow is pretty...and we bet chasing turkeys is FUN!!!
    Rosy & Sunny

  3. Hari OM
    Yes, pretty....cold! I'm glad you got to enjoying yourself when out there! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Now those were some really and truly frosty paws and I don't mean the summertime snack either.
    Lots of turkeys
    Hugs cecilia

  5. It's been very cold. Stay warm my friends! Juno xo

  6. Purrsonally, I think snow is only pretty to look at. ~Murphy

  7. Fresh snow can be beautiful but like a houseguest that stays over it get gross after a couple of days.

  8. I love the snow but not when it's this cold. Stay warm, Hailey and Phod!


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