Monday, January 6, 2025

Mischief Monday - The Barrier

 Dear pals,

Lady and Man put up a barrier to the kitchen/sitting/dining room when they went out to see the Broadway Musical MJ on Saturday.  

We are old, we can't jump over that

They said we still had lots of space and they wanted to limit the space we could poop in if we felt inclined. More importantly, Lady wanted to stop us from pooping on the new carpet we got from Grammie and the Big Guy for Christmas. Even though it is machine washable, she doesn't want to be washing it every day. 

It is very soft and once we got use to it being here, we like it. 

Being really helpful while Lady and Man were trying to unroll it and look at it.

Inspired by the beautiful carpets they saw in Morocco

It is soft, while I prefer my bed, this will do

This gets the Phod seal of approval.

Fun fact, we didn't have any accidents when they were out on Saturday. Lady says this isn't going to stop them from creating a barrier. 

your pals, Lee and Phod


  1. Hari OM
    That's a beautifurs rug... and I'm glad there were no accidents. Pawsitiff results all round! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. great idea, the rug and the barrier. glad it worked out well.

  3. We don't like to be blocked from going into rooms either. That's a pretty new rug and we're glad you didn't have any accidents when your parents were gone.

  4. Better safe than sorry, right?? That is a very pretty rug!!
    Rosy & Sunny

  5. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! That looks like a big, comfy Dog Mat to me! Happy matting!

  6. I personally think it is a good thing to know your spaces and where you are allowed.
    House Rules
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. That is a beautiful new rug. We love the colors. You know we live in a gated house, so we are used to being confined when the peeps aren't here. We are OK with it as long as we have each other.

    Woos - Misty and Timber


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