Thursday, January 23, 2025

Slow - By Phod

Dear pals,

I feel like Hailey has been hogging the blog. She says she can because it was her blog first, and she lets me share it, when she wants too. I convinced her to let me have a turn.

As you know, I am an old Man now. I am doing ok. My Librela shot is helping. I can't walk as far as I used to, and I will admit, I am now really slow when I do walk.

Walking by Lady's embarrassing snowman. 

Hailey shared about her birthday adventure. I was a good boy, and stayed in the yard for a lot of it. However, I got a little worried about where my Lady went and followed her tracks. She found me coming towards her, as she was circling back. (I will point out technically these woods are ours, so I had not left our yard). Then she and I walked back to the house, where we found Hailey. 

Looking for my lost Lady

While I am the slowest, I will point out that Hailey is way slower than she used to be too, she just won't admit it.

your pal, the Pokey Little Puppy, Phod


  1. we are slow sometimes too... but we are always wild at heart... hugs to you dear buddy...

  2. we know about poky puppies, beau is also an old dog and very pokey...

  3. You're such a cutie, Phod. We're all getting a little slower as time goes by.

  4. Hari OM
    I hear ya, Phoddy. Take it from this ol' gal, age ain't for the timid! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Unfortunately, non of us humans are getting younger either. So feel free to walk as slow as you want!

  6. You are a good pup and I know your mom appreciates you

  7. You may be slower, Phod, but you are still a very handsome poky little puppy.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  8. Mom says that's what happens when we become seniors. We slow down and enjoy the view more.


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