Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Tasty Tuesday - Feeding Time

 We both want to use the raised feeder now. We hate the food on the stool. The Lady and Man decided before purchasing a second to see if we could share.

We can. Now if only she would stop taking our pictures and let us eat!


  1. Hari OM
    No privacy, eh Phoddy? Well done on sharing a 'table'! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  2. its good to have the raised bowls, big dogs need them. so happy you both share well. Beau says he feels your pain over the cell phone

  3. That's good of you two to share the raised feeder. In our home Walter always finishes first even though he is given his food second. We're afraid eating that close together that Walter would stick his head in Millie's bowl and help her finish every meal. BOL!

  4. I am impressed! Not all pups want another pup in their space while they are eating.

  5. It is nice to share...Sunny and I don't share as good as you and Lee do, good job!!
    Rosy & Sunny

  6. Well done guys, you saved Lady and Man a few $$$$!
    We expect to see repayment in treats.

  7. I love that you are sharing a two dish feeder but I am sorry Lady is such a shutter bug.
    The price you pay for being 2 kinds of adorable
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. I am glad that you can eat together, although that is a serious bit of side eye you got going on there

  9. Seriously! Who can eat when the pawparazzi is in your face??


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