Thursday, July 18, 2024

Changing Fur - by Lee

 One of the things I have noticed this summer, as I am well into my 14th year, is that my fur is changing.

I use to be sleek and black.

Here is a nice picture of my fur in 2020.

Now, I am getting a red undertone. My fur is not as shiny and I am shedding more.

It is hard to catch the difference in pictures, so we hope you can see it

I guess the changing fur is just another exciting change I get to have as I get old.

Your pal, the young at heart, Lee, who didn't mean to keep Lady up for almost an entire night last week, and she had to take a day off work because with like 3 hours of sleep was useless, and I spent the entire day pacing and she had to take me out something like 18 times and ended up with a bad headache but still really loves me


  1. we agree... the mama noticed that too... at her own fur... but for us you are always the most beautiful professor Lee...

  2. Beaus fur has changed drastically in the three years since we got him at age 7, he is about to be 11.. I can see the changes and feel them. but then I can see and feel the changes in his dads furs and in my own, at least we can't see beaus wrinkled skin. ha ha

  3. Lots of changes happen as we age, Hailey, and it's okay. We are living life to the fullest!

  4. Hari Om
    As others have said, my furs changed drastically too, with age... Tis the way of things, and to each age it's own beauty. Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  5. We all feel the changes as we age, Hailey. Millie's black coat has more white hairs and not just on her face but on her back too.

  6. Fish oil helps with dry coats.

  7. Hailey, you will be loved by the people who matter, irrespective of fur colour and texture.

  8. Lee we love you for you...not your shiny black furs...
    Undertones of red are nice...I wish I had them.
    Hugs Cecilia


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