Friday, July 12, 2024

Nature Friday - Field Finds

 Thanks to Rosy and Sunny for hosting this event.

Yesterday we said we would share some of the fun things we found in the field on a walk last week. Enjoy!


More flowers

Even more flowers

Phod stopping to smell the flowers

Bees on flowers

From afar, a bunch of baby turkeys!

With turkeys around, it means back on leash

The remains of a deer

More deer - oh dear

Wild monkey of a Quebec field (aka a toy Callie must have taken over)

We hope you enjoyed the nature as much as we enjoyed finding it! 


  1. We love the wildflowers and the cute monkey but the poor deer.

  2. I particularly like the Canadian wild field monkey! In our backyard, I recently discovered the colorful Northern Mid-Western duckie.

  3. PHOD and Lee and staff what wonderful nature you found in your field....such a great variety.
    AND a monkmee(that is what favorite sis of angel madi called monkeys).
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. Hari OM
    OMD - look at all those FLOWERS!!! 🤣 Glad you took time to stop and sniff, Phoddy dear... RIP Dear Deer - and, pawhaps, the Lesser Known Field Monkey... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Ooh what a nice walk.
    The deer remains are the best, obvs....

  6. Wow! So many beautiful flowers....but we think we would like to play with that Wild Monkey!!
    Rosy and Sunny

  7. You sure have lots of pretty wild flowers around you. We hope you brought the monkey back to Callie.

  8. I have those flowers in my garden right now. I like when the black one and the tellow ones are together.


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