Monday, January 15, 2024

Mischief Monday - The Birthday -by Lee

Dear pals,

I thank you all for the wonderful birthday wishes. 14 got off to an eventful start. We were getting a snowstorm (I think we got more than 20 cm/8 inches) of snow. Man was out for the day to go to pickleball and then to see the Ottawa Senators play. (Lady had bought him tickets in a Paw Pantry fundraiser). Lady didn't go to pickleball because she hates driving in snow and she would have had to driven herself.

In the morning, checking out the yard

At any rate. The day started ok but with too much singing. Then before lunch the power went off. It was off until almost 6 pm. 

The fire place

Lady had made a fire (one of her goals for this year was to learn to make one). It took 3 tries but it was going good when the power left us. The generator was not working (Man hopefully will have fixed it by the time you read this so next time we have that). 

Lady had planned to make treats and do other things. Instead we curled up in front of the fire reading and napping. 

Phod trying to steal my spot at the fire. i barked at him and he went back to the closet.

Lady  felt bad for not getting my birthday cookies made, so I got half a slice of bacon instead. Not a bad second prize.

When Man came back he shared that driving down an unploughed side street to pick up his friend, he damaged his car. So we have that to deal with now. 

With all we had to deal with, Lady is extra grateful she hired Callie's Dad's company to remove our driveway snow. It gets done early as we are the first stop for the employee. It is one less thing for us to worry about. 

So it was an adventure of a birthday. May 14 keep me on my toes.

Your pal, Hailey Bug


  1. we are glad your dad is ok ... but it is a bad thing to deal with all that... we think your dad deserved a big piece of bacon too...

  2. Hari OM
    Yikes - at least the Man didn't get damaged too... I am glad you got fireside snuggle time and barkday bacon and generally seem to have had a wondfurs day! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. poor dad, a bad day with an accident and come home to repair the generator. LOVE that fireplace. nothing like toasting in front of a good fire. Lady did a great job to build a fire. Not sure if I could build one.. I do hope Phod got equal time in front of the flames, he is 14 and deserves it.

  4. That sure was an eventful birthday, Hailey. Now that the power is back on we think you should get those cookies the Lady promised.

  5. Ohhh well done LADY~~that is a beautiful fire.
    Lee Bryan would say BACON is way better than cookies for a BDAY
    YIKES on Man's car. I hope not to $$$$
    Hus Cecilia

  6. Thank goodness for the fireplace on a cold and snowy day and we hope the Man's car wasn't damaged too badly. Bacon is a wonderful birthday addition, Hailey!

  7. Wow! What a day, for everybody! We do think the bacon made up for the no treats!
    Sunny and Rosy

  8. So sorry about the vehicle damage, but good that The Man is OK. You have a beautiful fireplace!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  9. I'm sorry I missed your birthday, Lee. It sure looks like you had a good one, except for no power. But that fire sure looked good...and warm! ~Ernie

  10. I think your angels gave you the birthday wish of a lifetime by keeping your mom home with you, even if it was without power.

  11. Any day that starts off with singing is going to be a bad day in this household.
    But bacon rates as first prize in my world.
    Too bad about the damaged car though.


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