Friday, January 26, 2024

FFF Nature Friday - Turkey in the Sky?

 It has been cold and crisp and the snow from last week was still sitting pretty on all the trees.

Lady and Man have been wondering about these markings on the roof:

Did the turkey try to fly? Did the turkey fall?

Dinosaur with wings

Visits our house all the time

Tries to reach the sun

Thanks to Rosy and Sunny for hosting Nature Friday and to Aunty-Yam for hosting FFF.


  1. wow... we think the right footprints are on the way to the bar and the left ones the way back in loops... why da turkey picked the way over your house? we don't know... maybe it can not cross the road?

  2. You trees are very pretty, all laden with snow.
    But we hope that turkey is OK.

  3. Phod and Lee that is some deep snow on your roof. I bet whomever made them has frost toes now.
    Your sky is gorgeous
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. Hari OM
    Lovely haiku... and I too hope no turkey was harmed in the production of this FFF!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Wow...what a pretty Haiku today.

    We would love to see a turkey fly!!
    Rosy & Sunny


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