Thursday, January 4, 2024

Celebrating Christmas

On Tuesday, we told you about how our holidays got off to a bad start. They did improve.

On December 24, we got to drive for 87 million hours (1.5 hours in human time) to Grammie and the Big Guy's for our family Christmas. Phod threw up a lot in the car, but other than that we were super good puppies. We saw Grammie and the Big Guy and Aunt C and Uncle D and Maggie and Troy and Uncle Chris and Emma. The adults did their gift exchange. They each get one name and this years theme was charity. Uncle D adopted a cardinal for Lady from a local bird rescue and The Big Guy got Man a new game and puzzle from the Salvation Army thrift store and made a donation to a local food bank. 

Loving the tissue paper by the Big Guy's feet

Begging for turkey

The only draw back, we had to dress for the occasion

There were lots of pets to go around

Phod had a much harder time settling then Lee did

After lunch, we headed home. Uncle Chris and Emma headed to our place too. We spent Christmas eve and Christmas day, eating, watching movies, playing games and being good puppies. Lady realized she really sucked at taking pictures of us on Christmas.

I would like a present too!

We got lots of treats
Uncle Chris and Emma left Boxing Day and after that Lady and Man laid low. They played pickleball one morning. Man went to a movie. Lady met a friend who was in town for dinner. There were nice walks and a lot of naps. Lady is missing the naps this week (and only getting up at 7 and not 5). 

So while the holidays didn't start they way we hoped, they turned out to be just fine.


  1. Hari OM
    Well, that's a relief to read! You both look very chic in your neck wear - and at least it wasn't hats! Now, onward to 2024... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. Phod, our first dog Max, the one you look so much like, was the same. He was only happy in his home space and when we sold our house and moved to this one. we had to take a weeks vacation because he was so upset we did not want to leave him home alone. I think you would be the same if you moved from your house to another. I am happy to hear you all had a grea Christmas and that you pups made it through the dress up thing.. happy new year and heres to a new year with no suprises or throwing up but only good things..

  3. We are so glad your holidays turned out better, it looks like a nice time was had by all!
    Rosy & Sunny

  4. Hi hi hi Handsome and Cousin, Ojo here! Hurray for people! Hurray for the papers that come off the presents! Hurray for turkey!

  5. Looks like a pretty good Christmas was had by all...even if you had to dress up for it.

  6. It sounds like you all had fun getting together to exchange gifts and have some good food. Too bad Phod was sick on the drive.

  7. It sounds like you had a marvelous time. What is Christmas without a little dog vomit?


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