Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Lee's Response to Phod's Post

 Yesterday Phod wrote about feeling abandoned. Today, Hailey writes her thoughts on all of this.

Dear pals,

While I can appreciate Phod's view on our current status as a one peep dog family, I am not so sure it is as bad as he makes it out to be.

Supervising the packing

First, I still have a person to boss around. Generally, I boss Man around, but since he is not here, I can boss Lady around. So far I have done things like bark at her for not having the fire made. Then bark at her for not sitting with me beside the fire because she was doing other things. Then barking at her because I want her to have a bed nap. With the exception of the fire (something Lady has just learned to do), Lady doesn't take direction as well as Man. I have a week to work on her.

Enjoying the fire

Secondly, she has made the fire. Even if I am not using is as much as when Man is home, it is a must have. She has warned me that it is going to get above freezing this week so we might not need one. I may get to practicing bossing.

Eating treats by the fire for movie night

Third, she has done a decent enough job at meeting my needs. She is fairly responsive to requests to go out. She has been giving us treats with dinner. She ordered us greenies.

Having a bark off with Callie

Fourth, she goes to bed at the time I want. I always want to go to bed early with her, but then Man stays up and I might miss something, so I have to get up again. 

So far, I think she is doing ok. We will see how the rest of the week goes.

Your pal, the boss of the house, Hailey Bug


  1. wow she is not bad... you worked very well with her, you are a super teacher

  2. every home needs a BOSS and it seems you are The Boss of your home.. Good Job Hailey..

  3. Hari OM
    Sorted! Long may it continue. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. It's always good to have balanced reporting.

  5. Cruise, schmoooze. Isn't there a boat/ship/waterfloater thingy that dogs can go on too ...

  6. Hailey
    If Angel Madi were here she would say I was a work in progress for 16 1/2 years. Seems I never ever did things with 100% accuracy.
    Love this post sweet girl
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Maybe teach Phod some of your tricks. Like enjoying the fire blankie pile. Going to bed early is a great idea. Maybe snuggle with Phod and snore together to keep each other safe.

  8. It sounds like you have everything, including the Lady, under control, Hailey.

  9. It seems like you have your person wrapped around your paw.

  10. Lee, I think you’re pretty good at bossing. You got Lady doing everything you want.

  11. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Keep working on training your human! Are you remembering to give her treats when she gets it right?


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