Tuesday, July 2, 2024

People Are Weird - by Lee

 Deal Pals,

On Sunday, for an early celebration of Canada Day and friendship, Lady and Man invited 6 friends up. After dinner, things got weird.

I was sitting, letting a stranger pet me (I was very good), and suddenly 2 dinosaurs appeared.

I did not like these dinosaurs and may have barked and barked and barked until the Man had to quickly get me outside because I had to poop.

Phod heard the racket and came out of the closet, walked by, and went to a stranger to get pets too. He was not really bothered by dinosaurs. 

Would you react more like a Lee or a Phod if there were suddenly 2 dinosaurs in your house?

you pal Hailey Bug who thinks people are very weird

Monday, July 1, 2024

Happy Canada Day!

 Picture circa 2020 because darn, Lady forgot to make us pose for a new one.