Friday, February 9, 2024

Nature Friday - The Lot of Requirement - by Phod

 Thanks to my good pals Rosy and Sunny for hosting this event.

On a not too cold winter afternoon, my people took me for a walk to the lot of requirement. This is the lot beside Callie's house that Callie's people own. Lady calls it the lot of requirement because it is the lot that becomes whatever Callie's people need it to be. For awhile it was empty and we liked to poop there (we called it poop corner). Then Callie's grandpa put his RV there and spent time there. Currently, it is housing a car and boat for winter and the place that Callie's people keep their firewood. 

Come check it out with me!

It looks really slippery!

Here we go down the road

We got to be free to explore

I came right back when I was called.

Hailey went a little further into the trees

She slowly circled back (yep she had to drag a leash and I was free)

I checked out the wood pile.

It was a nice stroll. Thanks for coming with me.

your pal, Phod


  1. wow that is a lot of ice cream... and we are with Le... we have the leash always with us too... that is because of the phenny and his sh*t ideas LOL

  2. Hari OM
    What a great place to get some off leash (nearly) time yet still all be together! It does look chilly though... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. What a fun place to explore. You're lucky to have such nice neighbors that let you enjoy their property.

  4. What a wonderful Winter Walk!
    Rosy and Sunny

  5. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! I love snowy Walks! That looks pawesome! Hurray for exploring free!

  6. You could have named this post: "The house on Poop Corner."

  7. What a beautiful walk! Your snow is so pretty!

  8. Whoa are still having winter...Here in Raleigh (today Saturday) we had a high of 76.
    But it is short lived. Rain coming in tomorrow and Monday and then more normal Feb temperature
    Hugs Cecilia


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