Monday, October 23, 2023

Mischief Monday - Too Much Going On - by Lee

 Dear pals,

Lady is sorry for not being around much, life has been something. Nothing really bad, normal life things and Lady has been extra busy. 

The people may be extra busy, but we are still getting a lot of love

Let us catch you up on a few things.

It would be like 2 weeks ago, we hosted a Halloween movie night for Callie's kids and they brought 2 friends. So for the first bit we had 5 kids and then the 2 little ones (aged 6 and 7) wanted to leave so there were 3.

They watched Episode 307 of the Muppet Show with Alice Cooper and then Lady and Man's Halloween go to, Van Helsing. 

There were a lot of treats consumed - 2 huge bowls of popcorn, a bag of chips, a bag of cookies and a container of gummy worms. There was not enough sharing.

I need more treats

Mostly, as you can see by these pictures, it was a lot of guarding on our part. Keeping all those people in line is hard work!

Then the next week, things got really spooky around here . . . come back Thursday to hear more about it. 


  1. oooh that is a haunted forest... so much ghosts... wow!!!

  2. lady is a brave lady to have 5 kids over for movie/snacks time. you both look really great at "guarding" BOL BOL..

  3. Hari Om
    Herding kids can be a full-time task... and definitely oughtta have yielded treats! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. What a fun night with all those kids at your house. We hope you got a few treats from all those snacks.

  5. You 4 know how to have fun and host a wonderful gathering
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Do I see you and Man relaxing with a can of beer, Phod?
    Gail says she would be doing the same after spending time with five small and excited humans...


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