Monday, October 2, 2023

Mischief Monday - Guard Dog Duty - by Lee

 Dear pals,

Last week I had to do guard duty for like a whole day. As Man was leaving for work, the guys who were putting on our new eaves showed up. We didn't know they were coming that day, we just knew we were on the list.

World's Best Guard Dog

Lady happened to be home that day, so she needed a good guarding.

I barked for the 2 hours they did work.  Then for good measure, I barked for another hour.  Then I continued to bark on and off for the rest of the day.  Phod barked for a bit and then went to bed int he closet. 

This little piece should help prevent ice from building on the new, someday will be finished deck.

I did a very good job at keeping my people safe and Lady is happy with the new eaves and if it ever rains again, she will get to test them out. 

You can't really see the piece running across the front door but you can see the new spout on the right

Your pal, the best Guard dog, Hailey Bug


  1. it looks good from here, love your house. good thing the two of you were not home alone when they came to do all the work

  2. Good Job, Hailey ... hope the Lady gave you an extra treat and a big hug for all your hard work!

  3. Hari OM
    Good work, Hailey! Who knows what those fellas might have done if you hadn't let them know who was looking after the place??!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. It sounds like you did excellent work keeping your Lady safe from all those workers. We hope the new eaves do a good job of keeping the water going where it's supposed to and preventing all that ice buildup.

  5. Hi there Hailey,
    We are glad your house is so well protected, by you and by your neat new eaves.
    PS Are your vocal chords still in good working order?

  6. BOL BOL Hailey...sometimes it is good to bark for an hour...then ummm maybe bark for another hour just in case the introooders didn't get the message. Phod must have thought you were doing a great job of guarding. Love the eaves
    Hugs all around

  7. Yep, sounds like yu did the right thing. Barking is ALWAYS the best option!
    xoxo, Your fellow guard dog,

  8. What a good job you did guarding the property and your mom, Hailey! We are good at that too, but for some reason our ghostwriter sometimes gets annoyed. Well, it's our job to bark at every other doggie barking and car door slamming within a two mile radius, isn't it?

  9. It has been proven that contractors work faster at homes with dogs.


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