Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Happy Halloween - Hat Tax 2023

 Hi pals,

Lady is very proud of her creativity this year. We present . . . . .

The Money Pit!

It has been a very expensive year for our people (deck, car) and we have not helped with the whole ear problem and arthritis for Phod and the neurological stuff for Lee. Lady thinks she is very funny with this. You can imagine how we feel . . . At least there were a lot of treats. 


  1. I enjoyed yesterday's retrospective. Today's is hilarious—clever and well-done! Too bad it's based on fact....

  2. hahaha love it... and we feel the same...a rocking year with being on the rocks...

  3. We think Lady did a great job finding a way to create smiles out of the whole money pit thing.

  4. You two might have contributed to the "Money Pit" of a year but every penny was well worth it to make you two feel better. We love your costumes. Happy Halloween!

  5. Standing ovation and cheering here. Lady is quite cre8tive. Some years you might as well just laugh right
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Hari OM
    Well, I admit I LOLd... but do sympawthighs with you about Lady's dark humour! Have a fab evening together. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. Dogs and Cats are money pits, but they are worth it. Hope the treats you get tonight are CASH DOLLARS..

  8. We love this! Happy Halloween, Hailey and Phod!

  9. That’s money you’ll never regret spending.

  10. BOL!! This is perfect!!
    Happy Halloween!
    Rosy & Sunny

  11. MOL! That’s so clever! You do deserve lots of treats. Happy Halloween!


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