Friday, August 26, 2022

Nature Friday FFF- How Does The Garden Go?

Thanks Rosy for hosting this event so Lady can go on and on about boring things.

For those, who are about as excited about Lady's garden as we are, here is a dose of Phod in his favourite place!

Phod would like to contribute to Final Friday Fiction - hosted by Aunty-Yam.

Oh summer
Hot days
Clear skies
Cool lake
Wet dog
Roll in sand
Sighing Lady
Oh summer

Now to the garden. Lady's zucchini plant has given her 4 zucchinis so far. Here is a picture of one. She loves they are not perfect!

Now, while Lady is thrilled to have grown something she can eat as 2022 goal, she is just as thrilled that her sunflowers started to open! She loves the flowers and all the bees!


And nature is giving us asters too!

Happy last weekend in August!


  1. we love yor sun flowers and we love that you got your own zuchinis...

  2. Hari OM
    Zaphod, your pawem is delightful! Lady, lucky you getting something to eat from your own efforts and those flowers are just bee-you-tee-ful!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Funny Phod and lovely photos! Congratulations on the garden!

  4. Gail says well done Lady on achieving her gardening goals. I say the lake beach is much more interesting.

  5. We love your poem, Phod, and we also love Lady's zucchini and sunflowers! The blue flower is chicory and Lady got a beautiful shot! For some reason, mom's pictures never come out blue. They are always washed out with too much white.

  6. You sure look happy to be at the beach, Phod. What did your mom make with the zucchini? We were given one from our neighbor's garden and our mom made a tasty bread with it. Your sunflowers are so beautiful. It's nice to see that the bees like them too.

  7. Phod I love your photo, your poem and very very soon I want a photo of Lady's green thumb. WTG
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. I really loved your FFF entry Phoddy...and you are ever so handsome on your beach!!

    Mama, on the other hand, is amazed by the sunflower beauty...and is so glad your Lady's garden is a success!

  9. Those are beautiful sunflowers.
    Coffee is on and stay safe


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