Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Trouble on a Tuesday - What About Me? by Lee

 Hi pals,

Everything these days is "Phody, Phody, Phody." What about me? I am not being an easy dog these days either!

Yes, I am doing my best off leash walking and listening. It really helps that I am slower. Yes, for the most part I am eating better, thanks to the mixing of soft food and hard food.

However, I have had to go back on my prozac because I was working myself up every night and this was working Phod up every night and no one was happy.

Also, probably 5/7 nights (all of 'Lady's nights', she has no idea how I know), I feel the need to be out in the wild world. I don't want to miss a thing.  It has been as early as 1:30 am and as late as 5 am (which on a work day for Lady is ok). Lady often can't really get back to sleep, or it takes a long time, so she has been a bit tired. However, she has got to enjoy the call of the coyotes, the song of the whip-poor-will, and the light display of the fireflies. Due to all the smoke and rain, we haven't had too many starry nights. 

Lady is hoping this is a phase, but time will tell. For now, she is thankful for the opportunity to have this quality time with me (because lampshade, I mean Phod), usually doesn't get up with us. At least that is what I tell her. 


  1. Lee, pleased be assured we have not forgotten you. And we a pleased that Lady can see an upside to your sleep time exploits and has been enjoying the sights and sounds of the night!

  2. 5am? wow that is a good time isn't it? we go 3 am... that is a good time too.. .. ;O)

  3. 1:30 am seems to be a good time in our house. Fortunately, all the human has to do is open the back door into the fenced yard. Still.....

  4. Lee of course Queen Bee (you) must have her share of Lady love.
    I love the sweet photo of you resting
    Hugs cecilia

  5. We're glad you weren't forgotten all together with all the attention Phod has gotten recently, Hailey. It's so nice of you to get your Lady up in the middle of the night to hear those cool night sounds and see the fireflies.

  6. so sorry you are axious and not sleeping, you and Phod are having bad days at the same time, just different bad. I will double the POTP coming to both of you NOw

  7. Lee, no one could forget about you! I’m glad you’re getting some special Lady time.

  8. Hari Om
    Lee, my old gal angel Jade used to like her wee hour walkies in her senior life so I totally understand... And sympawthighs with Lady!!! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx


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