Thursday, January 12, 2017

Thank You Thursday - Thanks Sarge

Today is the first post in a series to thank our dear Blogville friends for their wonderful holiday gifts. Today, we start with our pal Sarge.  Sarge drew Zaphod's name in the Blogville gift exchange.

Zaphod was the most excited we have ever seen him to open the gifts. He knew they were for him. And he actually opened them!

Sarge thoughtfully sent 3 babies to Phod (who is super picky about food).

Hailey marched off with the elephant and then Phod was seen like this:

Please don't let Hailey take my toys!

He snuggled them for days!

Toy status now: crinkle bear is alive and well, elephant has a hole in him and poor duck is close to death!

Thank you so much Sarge for such wonderful and thoughtful gifts. They are being well loved!

Next week we will thank another friend (after we recreate the opening as our pictures were damaged during transfer to Lady's dying computer) . . . . . 


  1. What GREAT gifts…they ALL look like funs to play wiv.
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  2. it's always good to have one paw on your toys when the girls are around, right? I love that green guy.... but do you know what I love much more? the beaver I found in your parcel... I named it Justin...and the mama always laughs gleeful when I bite him... it's like someone bites the twolegged Justin Beaver for her :o)

  3. So cute. It doesn't look like you are going to share any time soon
    Lily & Edward

  4. OMD OMD those are three WINNERS... like a Giant Chicken Dinner.. WE are glad that You both LIKED them so much... it is NICE to Share... UP TO A POINT.. RIGHT? Sarge did GOOD...

  5. Aww, doesn't Hailey know that the recipient gets to play with pressies FURST and THEN she can share?? Glad Phod loved them so much!

  6. Wow, great job with the unwrapping! I'm so glad you like them. And really, killing them is such great fun. Bol. Enjoy for as long as they last. 😁🐾😆

  7. Wow, great job with the unwrapping! I'm so glad you like them. And really, killing them is such great fun. Bol. Enjoy for as long as they last. 😁🐾😆

  8. Ohhhh Phod keep your paws on what is yours. I know for a fact ladies (of all species can be sneaky). That is one cute elephant and I can see why Hailey liked it.
    WTG Sarge good shopping
    Hugs madi your bfff

  9. Phod is so cute! Those are awesome gifts!

  10. We chuckled so much at Phod! That photo is priceless. Great gifts. We got a crinkly something, too. From Frankie and Ernie.

  11. Pawsome pressies. Way to guard your new toys, Phod.

  12. Sarge did such a great job shopping!! Poor Phod, he looked so very sad when Hailey stole his toys!
    Dory Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  13. Aw, poor Phod! Siblings can be such a pain sometimes! Good thing he got 3 toys!

  14. Wow, Sarge sure knows how to shop!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  15. We love how you love your babies, Phod! What super gifts from Sarge!

  16. Great presents from Sarge! You look so sweet Phod!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  17. Those are all great toys. Neither of us have figured out how to open presents.

  18. 3 bum swings! 3 more!
    Pawsome gifts!

    Nose nudges,
    CEO Olivia

  19. What wonderful gifts! You are so lucky, Phod!!!!!

  20. What wonderful gifts. Mom didn't do the exchange as her Dad is doing poorly and she didn't want to commit to a gift and then have to fly out to WASH-ing-ton for weeks (where here Dad lives in the middle of no where with few stores and no internets). Hopefully next year he will be better and she can do that - what fun and how thoughtful is Blogville.

    Abby Lab

  21. What wonderful gifts. Love that sweet photo of Phod on the bed with the toys :-) Nose licks and love from Moth xx

  22. What great gifts and love seeing Phod open his prezzies :) They lived longer than I thought they would hehehe


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