Tuesday, March 4, 2025

A Real Life Conversation


After Hailey has been barking to get Lady to do things the Lady doesn't want to do.

Lady: You are not the boss of me.

Lee: I am so the boss of you and I will be the boss of you until the day I die and then my ghost will come back and boss you.

Lady: You are right. 

This is completely true if I look at my life the last 14 and a half years. Hailey has been in charge. She is said when we walk, where we walk, how long we walk. We picked a house based on her needs. We picked a second dog based on her preferences and needs. We go out, we go upstairs, we go downstairs, we sit in certain places, we do all the things to make her happy. She clearly is our boss. And I know it is getting worse as we just try and make her happy and comfortable in these last weeks. 


  1. yes. we think that is what happens... hugs to you professor lee

  2. Hari Om
    Aw, the Grande Dame de Chien, n'est-ce pas? Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Beau's nickname is "boss" so you are a lady boss, he is a male boss of humans.. and the sicker you get the more we listen.


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