Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Trouble on A Tuesday - Tumble Lees Are a Thing

 Last week, Phod wrote about blowing his coat. This has slowed down some, but for the first time in 14 years, my girl is blowing her coat. We are wondering if this is a side effect of the steroids she was on earlier this year.

In other trouble, this bed is missing the cover because some dog peed on it when we were out seeing our niece dance. 

At any rate, we have tumble Lees this weeks. She hates being brushed so we don't get as much at once from her. 


  1. ooh can we get your brusing time professor lee? we love the brush a lot ...

  2. Beau says brushing is fun, he loves it, with fingers, with brushes, with a glove... that i a lot of hair. maybe the reason da Nelly and da Phinny and Beau like it because they have no undercoat, just short furs... hugs Lee

  3. Save it ... nice winter scarf making material!

  4. I agree 100% with Zoolatry. Years ago a friend of mine (Beth Mom to Remington the Newfoundland, whom I met early in to my blogging years) Beth suggested I save Angel Madi's furs until I had enough to fill a 1 gallon zip lock....then I sent it to her. She spun Madi's Fur with some of Remington's longer fur. I used the fur she spun mixed with some I bought to make a scarf...and a wee bit left over to make a small crocheted mat for Madi.
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. We're glad to hear the tumble Lees were just your hair because at first, we thought you were taking a tumble, Hailey.

  6. Hari OM
    As long as other furs grow to replace them Lee... can't have you without that layer for winter! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. You need your coat, Hailey. Winter is coming!

  8. Tumble Lees are just as cute as Tumble phods!!
    Rosy & Sunny

  9. Oh dear Hailey, we don't like to think of you losing your furs, with winter fast approaching. Like YAM-aunty, we hope that new ones are sprouting thick and fast. Otherwise, you might need to consider asking Lady and Man to buy you a warm winter jacket.

  10. You're jus going out with the old and in with the new

  11. Pretty soon you’ll have enough to make a whole ‘nother Lee!

  12. That is exactly what happened to Misty, she lost all her undercoat a few weeks after stopping the steroids. Vet called it some sort of "effluvium". Thankfully most of it has grown back in.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber


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