Monday, November 6, 2023

Mischief Monday - Weather and Break

Dear pals,

Look what happened not once but twice last week!

Snow! Don't worry, it didn't stay! The weather is now below freezing at night. Winter is coming.

Lady has started her prep. Her tires have been changed (oh and great news she will be getting new brakes soon) and Man's will be done soon. We are still waiting for our wood to be delivered. Callie's Man is stressing us out. The deck is still not finished. Apparently it will be this week. Lady feels like she has so much going on. She is ok. we are ok. 

Lady is traveling for work this week and is completely disorganized in life - something about being out all day Saturday . . . we have no sympathy for her because she made that choice and we were here alone. At any rate, we will be taking a short brake and hope to be back sometime next week.

Stay well dear friends!

Lee and Phod who are doing great! 


  1. Hari Om
    Sometimes you just have to say to the world...STOP! it doesn't, but we can. Or at least put some stuff to the back burner and just let it simmer for a while. See you when you get back to screen! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. is that... naaah... that is not... or is it? s. n. o. w. ? hugs to you all we will wait till you are back...

  3. That last line is the most impawtant!

  4. glad you pups are doing great and hope soon all will calm down and be back to normal. lots of people with covid right now so tell lady to be careful

  5. Phod and Lee this does not bode well for our annual guess when the snow well melt.
    Safe Travels to lady
    Hugs cecilia

  6. We are glad you are doing great....Have a nice break!
    Rosy and Sunny

  7. Snow? It seems like we just had a heat wave. Hunker down for the winter

  8. Snow!!!!???? You know we pups would love some, but not Mom. We actually had temps in the 70s today!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber


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