Monday, September 18, 2023

Mischief Monday - The Problem with Steriods- by Lee

 Dear pals,

While I am not a huge fan of having a pill shoved down my throat, I get that my steroids are helping me.  I am still a little tippy, but overall I feel so much better. If you saw me now, you would hardly know how sick I have been. 

Give me food

The only real problem with meds is I have gotten my younger self desire for food back. I am not being picky and am eating a lot.  This means I am demanding food more often. Sometimes I am so excited to eat, I am not gentle when I take a treat from my Lady and a few times I may have made my Lady yelp.  She says I have roid rage. 

I have one more week on steroids before we start to see if I can wean off them.  Lady hopes I will keep eating, but maybe just a little more gently. 

Your always hungry gal, Hailey Bug


  1. we hope it will work... and we send lots of potp... your always hungry pals....

  2. so happy to hear you are eating and you do look much better, back to your normal YOU.... I am not on steroids but am always hungry, so is Beau. Imagine what would happen to us if we were taking your pills. sorry about the pill, happy they are working

  3. We're so glad to hear you are feeling better, Hailey. Even if it means you have a bit of roid rage. BOL!

  4. Hari OM
    Yup, roid rage is a thing... mega munchies... 'swhy so many folk bulk up from them... but at least you are looking and feeling better. That's the big takeaway! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. We are happy to hear that the steroids are making you feel better and giving you back you appetite, Hailey, but easy does it on Lady's fingers. I have been known to be a wee bit aggressive sometimes too and I'm not even on steroids!

  6. So good to hear you're feeling better Lee. Gail remembers how thirsty Hamish the Westie became when he was given steroids for his skin itchies. Gradual tapering off of the dose worked well for him.

  7. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww Hungry Hailey what a treat to hear you are feeling better and you are kinda like Dad of Angel Madi. When he finishes a meal he tells me how much he enjoyed it and will asked what are we having for lunch or dinner of snack.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Tell you a little secret, I'm not fan of medicine.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  9. Glad you are doing okay. Steroids are monster that needs to be fed.


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