Monday, September 4, 2023

Lucky 13 - Hailey's 13th Gotcha Day

Today we celebrate the 13th anniversary of Lee joining our pack. Saturday will be 13 years since I started this blog. We have a lot of extra celebrating to do this year, after the trials of the past few weeks. 

A little update - Last Wednesday I was bothered that her head was tilted more than it had been. It didn't make sense to me and I was worried. I called our neurologist and she had the same feeling too. She feels that even though everything is coming back 'clear', we are missing something.  The development of the head tilt later in the symptoms doesn't fit the usual progression of old dog vestibular disease. She asked if we would consider putting her on an anti-inflammatory dose of steroids. The answer was of course yes and since trying them Lee has clearly been more comfortable, more steady and hungrier. She is not completely healed, but the difference is night and day. Of course, we can't be sure if this is time or steroids but for now it doesn't matter and we will stay the course until our follow up next week. 

When her head tilt was the worst. Her new nickname is Tipsy Dipsy

Today we celebrate the joy Hailey has brought to our lives, the patience she has taught us and the wonderful connections and friends all around the world her existence in our lives has given us. Hailey, in spite of all the trials and tribulations and holes in the wall, we can't imagine not having you in our lives! We love you! 

Last week when she finally forgave me for all of this and let me snuggle her. 


  1. Hari OM
    Happy Gotcha Day, darling Hailey... continue POTP this side for you. Golly, thirteen, eh? A magic sort of number that one! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. That "hole in the wall" is one she filled up with love. Happy Gotcha day to you Ms Lee and to the parents who were blessed to getcha!

  3. Happy Gotcha Day, Sweet Girl! seeing your tilted head made tears come in my eyes. So sorry baby, POTP coming your way and so glad you got some relief from the steriods... love you Hailey, love you too Phod

  4. Happy Gotcha Day Hailey is the lucky's beautiful black girl. I 10000% agree we do what makes their lives enriched and full. Happy she has forgiven. I truly believe they know we are doing 'mean things' for their good.....EVENTUALLY
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Happy Gotcha Day, Hailey! We are so happy to hear that the steroids are helping you out.

  6. Happy Gotcha Day, Hailey! We have our paws crossed that you feel better soon.

  7. A very happy Gotcha Day Hailey...We love you too!!
    Rosy & Sunny(Mama and Daddy too!)

  8. Happy Gotcha Day, Hailey! I’m glad the steroids are helping and hope you continue to feel good. ~Ernie

  9. Happy Gotcha Day Hailey. We are praying you get an answer

  10. I also hope it comes out well.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  11. Happy Gotcha Day, Hailey - we hope #13 brings you good health and happy days. We hope the steroids or time continue to do their healing thing. all the best.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber


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