Friday, March 27, 2020

Nature Friday - Our Favourite Neigbhour

At least nature doesn't have to social distance!

Thanks to Rosy and the Boyz for hosting Nature Friday! We are so enjoying seeing spring in other people's parts of the world.

This is a reminder that there is still time to enter our When will the snow be gone contest.
Details can be found HERE.


  1. Hari OM
    And thank goodness for that, I say!!! YAM xx

  2. you can name it jean noel like our neighbor, he also looks in da windows of peeps LOL

  3. yay for nature, we just got back from a nature walk with Big boy, saw 5 runners at a far distance, no wildlife no dogs but Big, but it was in the great outdoors

  4. She's pretty nosy, isn't she☺

  5. We love seeing spring in other parts of the world too.

  6. It still looks like winter at your place. I bet that buck was hoping for a hand-out. At my ghostwriter's nursing home sometimes deer come up to the windows to steal seeds from the bird feeders.

  7. What a fun visit that must have been!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  8. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh does he/she have a name. It is not at all camera shy
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. You have the best Animal Planet view right outside your window!

  10. Love the deer, we can't imagine you still have snow it has got up into the 90s here.

  11. Would love to see that in our backyard. I'm happy just seeing bunnies and birds, even squirrels although Keltic is not impressed about them.

  12. Such a beautiful neighbor to stop by and say hello to.

  13. Our deer neighbor never gets that close to the house! Way cool! We are sorry we did not get back about the date! Mom's workdays this week have been super busy! She jumped right back into the fire!!! Yes please give us May 23!

  14. Oh, that is one pawsome deer! We don't have those here....though I did come 4 feet from a coyote the other morning! I barked at it and it ran the other way!
    I likes your wildlife betters!
    Ruby ♥

  15. We have many a deer in our neighborhood. We know they visit our persimmon tree, but we don't see much of them during the day.


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