About 6 months after moving into our house (so just over 5 years ago), we upgraded to a king sized bed. Normally, Hailey is the only one who shares this bed with us. Generally, she sleeps at the bottom, but if she judges it is too cold, she will curl up behind our legs. Once she is settled, she is a very difficult lump to move. One dog was ok in the bed. We could make that work.
Cousin Emma (who at the time this goes live will have been with us 125 days, with 47 to go) would really like to be held all night. This isn't happening in our house, so she has decided sleeping at the top in the middle, rotating who she is pressed up against is her place.
Then there is Phod. Generally, he does not share the bed with us, but he may be a little jealous of Emma and is spending more time (usually just while we are falling asleep on the bed, he never spends the whole night, he gets too hot). If he is on the bed, he is taking up my spot (although if I try hard I can push him to the middle, even though he makes a face like I am beating him). This then forces Emma to either my left side or the Man's feet.
Many nights I fall asleep in what I call the dog burrito. Emma to my left, Phod to my right, Lee on my feet. I can barely move.
I look forward to only having one dog in the bed. Then it may be big enough!
Phod, Cousin Emma, and Lee |