It was a dark and stormy Wednesday night/Thursday morning. At approximately 12:20 am, I became aware that we were going to die. I alerted the people.
Too tired the next day |
Lady heard my alert and got up. She opened doors, blocked the guest room which I was trying to dig my way through, turned on lights. She settled on the couch. While I was pacy, I was able to settle as the world was right enough.
Then the worst of the storm hit shortly after 3 am. I went into full alert. I tried destroying the crate (which I was not in, but it was blocking the guest room). I destroyed some toilet paper. I ripped up my bed. Lady tried to get me to settle but I could not.
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Lady brought in reinforcements. She went and got Man, who was in bed with a scared Phod on his head. I don't know what Lady said because I was destroying things, but the Man got up. He came down, told me I had made a mess and now it was time to go to sleep. He moved to the couch. I settled down and sort of slept until the morning.
This blanket is very ripped up now. Good thing Lady bought it at a thrift shop for me!
Lady was very, very annoyed that I would only not believe the world was ending unless the Man told me. While she was annoyed, she also realized it won't be her that has to get up with me.
Lady is using what is left of the semi-destroyed roll! |
In spite this bad night (that lead into a crazy 2 days, which Phod will tell you about tomorrow), Man and Lady still aren't putting me on meds. I like being off them best, they like me off them best and are still able to be home most of the time. This may change as things open up.
Lady says she can't tell who won this, me or the storm . . . . It is a draw I think!
Catching up on my beauty sleep! |