It isn't every night, but a few nights a week, Miss Hailey Bug continues to need to go out in the night. There isn't a clear pattern, although not pooping after dinner seems to be more related to the need for a night trip. Somewhere between 2-4 am, Miss Bug wakes up and starts to pace around the bedroom and won't settle until we go out.
If the Man takes her out, they stay in the yard, but if I take her out, we go for a walk to Callie's driveway and back. The reason we go this far is because Hailey likes to poop on Callie's yard, so I am hopeful that if we walk that way, she will go. Very, very rarely, Phod wakes up and joins us on this night time adventure.
Tired the day after a 3:30 am walk |
I do what I can to try not to wake up too much. I don't turn lights on. I don't put my glasses on. I throw a jacket and shoes, clip on the leash and we go, pjs and all. I appreciate both the time with my girl and parts of the night I don't usually see. We have heard the owl and the whip-poor-will, seen the stars and watched beautiful firefly shows. The other night, while out with Man, Lee got to bark at the raccoon that was yelling at her.
This is the current chapter of our lives. It is difficult and an honour and a privilege to share the golden years with Lee. I hope someday I look back at this fondly.
A tired and grateful Lady