Before our
tail of woe, we want to help spread the word about an upcoming auction to help Lilly Belle. For more information click
Also, for a happier tail visit our feature at
Now onto our story!
Saturday Hailey and I had a fail in our relationship. On a normal day, the first thing we do (after I throw on my sweats and visit the washroom) is walk. On Saturday, it is the Man's morning to take the dogs out if they are up before I want to get up. This means we do our walk after breakfast.
We headed out for our walk after breakfast. I stupidly didn't put Hailey's harness on. She was very excited when we headed out. But by the end of the road had settled. She had a few moments of excitement, but I was in control.
Spring is in the air |
Then we turned up her favourite street. The wind was strong (and may I say cold). There was clearly something in the air or something I couldn't seen had been around. Hailey went crazy. I could barely control her. I have not seen her so out of control since we first got her over 5 y
ears ago. I did everything I could to try and regain control, but I could not compete with the smell. It was made harder by the fact that her excitement made Phod excited. I knew I was losing the battle and after a really ugly moment where I yelled at her (didn't help and didn't make me feel better), I broke down and called the Man to come and get her.
It broke my heart. I was in tears. While waiting the 2 minutes or so for him to hop in the car and come get me, I ended up face first in the ditch. This made me both cry more and realize I had made the right choice in calling the Man. He arrived, put her in the car and Phod and I continued to talk home. He was an angel. I could have held his leash with one finger.
In the short-term my IT band, which has been giving me a lot of problems, was very, very sore. The next day, the band felt better, but my quads ached from all the times she was trying to pull me into the ditch before she did. I spent most of Saturday feeling defeated (made worse by the fact that I wasn't feeling well from a food challenge). But Sunday I felt a little better and I hope this one time incident isn't a set back for both of us. In a timely post
KB wrote about embracing your dogs challenges. I will embrace my crazy girl and we will move forward (but hopefully not face first into a ditch).
Who can stay mad at this face |