I was contacted by Sunny from
Seer Interactive about doing a compatibility match with me and my pups. I have always thought astrology was fun (if naming a dog Gemini didn't give that away) so I jumped in to see what they had to say.
Here is the report:
There’s nothing that rivals the bond between a dog and a
human. Much like our relationships with friends, family, and lovers, our
connection with our furry loved ones can be impacted by our astrological
influences. The astrological insights from some of the pet psychics at Hollywood
Psychics can help shed some light on the deck the Lady, Hailey, and Zaphod were
handed from the stars.
The Lady, the human leader of the pack, is a Gemini. She is
guided by her sharp mind and will stop at nothing to accomplish or learn
whatever her mind is set on. There is tendency for the Lady to switch focus
more quickly than other signs. This character trait is often the basis of Gemini’s
reputation as “the twins” because it can seem like they are jumping from one
mood to the next.
The stars can tell us a lot about our relationships with our
four-legged family members, but one can always call a psychic to get more
detailed understandings into the relationship with their pet(s). However, the
stars still can help!
How do the signs of the Lady and her pets affect their
The Lady and Hailey
Capricorn dogs appreciate the finer things in life, whether
it is the highest quality bones, the most extravagant collar, or a luxurious experience
at the dog grooming salon. These often reserved dogs also know how to warm your
heart with their specific breed’s attractive qualities. Being an earth sign,
Capricorn canines are very set in their ways and can be stubborn.
With Hailey being a Capricorn, her relationship with the
Lady is prone to some conflict, at times. The Gemini Lady can have a variety of
interests and have no problem jumping from one project to something else,
however, Hailey will want to spend her time on whatever is catching her
This combination can cause many situations where the Lady
will try to get Hailey to listen, but the stubborn Capricorn canine will ignore
her and focus on whatever she finds most appealing at the moment.
The Lady and Zaphod
Dogs born under the sign of Aries are often the most lively
and joyful of the signs. They love to play and be as active as possible. Since
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, these dogs often want to be the leader
of the pack.
Zaphod is a rescue, so it’s unknown what experiences he went
through before joining the Lady’s pack. Previous owners who neglected him or
abused him – and his time on the streets – certainly influence his innate
tendencies. However, with the love in his new household, his astrological
qualities will still shine through and keep Zaphod a playful and happy pup.
The Lady’s Gemini tendencies to switch gears quickly will
not bother Zaphod and he’ll gladly play along – as long as he’s able to run
around, play, and get attention. In addition to their Alpha Dog tendencies,
Aries dogs are active and love to be the center of attention. With Zaphod being
a rescue, he is very grateful to his new owners and will gladly forego his need
to be “pack leader” to the Lady. These circumstances likely lead to a
harmonious pairing for these two.
The Pack Together
Hailey will naturally be nervous of Zaphod’s characteristic
energy and enthusiasm. She will want to focus on her favorite bone, or find the
source of that curious smell – meanwhile, Zaphod is running around trying to
get the Lady to play fetch with him.
As Capricorns age, these canines tend to let go of some of
their stubborn and aloof tendencies. They will begin to embrace a more carefree
attitude, almost as if they age backwards. For this reason, Hailey and Zaphod
will likely bond more strongly as time goes on and play with each other more
often. Zaphod will also slow down in his old age and can spend more time slowly
appreciating each step with Hailey.
The Lady and Zaphod will naturally get along better, so
Hailey will often get jealous and this could materialize with more detachment and
anxiety. There will need to be extra attention given to Hailey in order for her
to not feel left out. Compromising the Aries and Gemini flexibility at times
and getting more on Hailey’s pace will help strengthen this trio’s bond.
This pet psychic
compatibility reading was provided by our friends at Hollywood Psychics. Call a psychic if you’re
interested in getting your own reading today, and finally figuring out what’s
really going on inside your furry friend’s head.
Thanks Sunny, this was fun!
Us last winter |