Sunday, November 4, 2018

Blog 4 Peace

Today we are joining bloggers around the world to Blog For Peace.  This year's theme is words are powerful. This is very true. Words are often the start of misunderstanding and hatred. While it feels overwhelming, we can all do a few simple things to bring peace to our families and communities.

Before saying anything, take a deep breathe and THINK:

If it isn't - DON'T say it.  Sometimes we may need to say unkind things, it may be necessary, but we can do so in a respectful way. 

More importantly, let's all try and say at least one kind thing to another person every day. 

Let's be more like our dogs - see the good in everyone, and greet everyone with an open heart.  We do have the power to change the world. 


  1. Clapping 🤗🤗👏🏻👏🏻With gusto K10. As mama used to tell me if you can’t say something nice, say nothing at all
    Hugs Cecilia

  2. What a most excellent idea!!! Love it!

  3. How we wish everyone would stop and think before they utter hateful words that can never be taken back. Beautiful post, Phod and Hailey!

  4. Excellent post - we wholeheartedly endorse the sentiments. And also adore the photo of your two gorgeous pups.
    Gail and Bertie.

  5. Amen to all that you said!!! Words certainly do matter. We all need to stop and think so that our words are helpful and kind and not hurtful and damaging.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  6. That is a perfect reminder to all of us to be kinder to each other with our words and deeds. You two are looking great in that picture too.

  7. I love that you and other bloggers are doing this, it's perfect given the news right now. I have that magnet on the back of my van "wag more bark less" and I think that and your words are good ones for all to remember and take to heart.


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