Thursday, September 27, 2012

No nap for you!

On the weekend, I was desperate to have a little nap. I had a crazy week last week and knew I had a crazier one this week and thought a nap would be heaven.

It went something like this.

Lady lays down in bed. Bed becomes the wrestling ring. Man and Lady get stepped on, jumped on etc. They put the dogs in the hall and close the door. There is peace for about 10 minutes. Man is snoring away and Lady has just drifted off when the whining and scratching at the door start. After about 10 minutes, the Lady can't stand it anymore, so she gets up, puts the dogs in the bedroom with the Man and goes to the couch.

Here she and Baggy are able to catch a few zzzzzzz.


  1. Sorry we are laughing. They don't help you out do they. Have a terrific Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. I can totally relate. If it's not the kids it's the dogs over here. I can't even go to the bathroom w/out something erupting. Sleep? LOL Right!

  3. Not to get all trainer on your ass, but by letting them in eventually, you're proving their persistence effective. I feel for ya, though. I guard my bed against dog invasion, but sometimes I wake up from a nap with a hulking Daisy Face in my face. "You were sleeping so I thought it was okay."

    1. I am a behaviour analyst - I know I reinforced it, but I got to nap on couch so worked out for me😃

    2. Touche! I guess you have no excuses than :P

  4. Hi
    Can we include your Frankenweenie pix of Hailey and Phod to our spooky gallery we are going to be adding to from now until Halloween. We will post with a link to here. Just let us know if it is OK.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. Hehehe great idea put them in bedroom together. Glad you got some naps!


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