Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Trouble on a Tuesday - Different is Not Good - by Phod

 Dear pals,

I like my routine. In the evening I expect dinner, a walk, the people spending a brief period of time upstairs, before retiring to watch shows. I generally then go sleep in my closet because I can relax as all is right with the world.

You are doing things wrong

What I got on Saturday was not what I liked. 

First, I went out before dinner. Then I got dinner. Then the people took their dinner downstairs (which they rarely do) so they could watch something on TV while they ate. 

I am sitting between you and I am still not happy

I was not having this.

I went down with them and I paced,  and I got on and off the couch and I paces some more. I would not settle.

I only settled once Lady came back upstairs and did things that looked more like our routine. Then I could go to my closet to sleep.

Why do my people insist on doing things different?

your pal, Keep it the same pleaase, Zaphod


  1. Beau says he agrees with you! he is a lot like you because routine is everything to him. if we miss a step in routine he lets us know. sorry big guy, hope they get back to the normal routine so you can go in your closet. Beau goes in his closet at bedtime and if we don't come to bed behind him, he comes back out and glares at us. ha ha

  2. we dislike changes too... they do that to mess up our routine we think... we change our routine too then... we go out 3 times more at night so they have their punishment

  3. We can't believe your parents messed with your routine, Phod. It's a good thing Lady helped you get back to the proper routine so you could go to sleep in your closet.

  4. I like my daily routine too, Phod, so I totally understand.

  5. Hari OM
    Creatures of habit, the Poochies of the world.... Peeps need to realise this! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. We TOTALLY agree., things should always be done the same!
    Rosy and especially Sunny, who needs a routine!

  7. We like routine too, but it isn't always that way. We think our peeps try to do something special for us when they know they are going to throw us a curveball in the routine.

    Woos - Misty and Timber


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