Tuesday, June 20, 2023

This and That - by Lee

 Hi pals,

Things continue to be something here.

Watching the world go by

The smog returned. It wasn't as bad and as the fires continue we expect it will return. Between it and the bugs and the rain, we haven't been outside as much.

Don't mind if I do

Lady has picked up extra work so she is crazy busy.  If you keep reading, you will see she needs to work to make the $.  It and dealing with 'life' is keeping her from doing all the things she wants to (like visiting all of you).

Trying to catch a deer fly

Her car, which had a whole new transmission put in less than 2 months ago, got sick again. It now has a new battery.

The pump in our basement toilet went (needed as we are on a well and it is the basement) and the house smelled like poop for 2 weeks until it was replaced and when it was replaced it smelt really bad. Poop also got on the walls and Man had to clean that. 

I have a new habit where I won't sleep through the whole night. Sometime between 3-5 I want to get a drink and go for a pee.  Due to my free range peeing, the bedroom door is closed at night and this way I at least ask if I can't hold it. If the door is open, I don't ask or don't ask in a way the people here. 

So basically we keep on keeping on here. We hope life settles a bit. 

Taking a quiet moment to enjoy the outdoors


  1. Life has appeared! we had LIFE visit last year and each year since 2020. it comes in spurts. Life Comes and $$$$ flee out the door. Hope the new work covers the new cost of LIFE

  2. Hari OM
    Firstly, let me catch up and wish belated greetings for Lady's birthday yesterday... which I ought to have remembered, it being the same day as Aitch's...

    As for today's news; I feel fur ya all. There is always something else that needs attention... and £££/$$$. Sigh... Hailey, it is the ageing female's prerogative to toilet in the night. Jus' sayin'. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. You are very brave, Hailey, as I am scared of flies and tell mom anytime I see one so that she kills it! It sounds very busy at your house.

  4. We hope the smoke and the fires go away for you soon. Sorry to hear the Lady's car got sick again.

  5. Lots going on, Lee. I hope things clear up and you can get more outside time.

  6. I hope the fires can be put out, or slowed down.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  7. Life certainly has its ups and downs. Gail and I are always pleased to read your news, even if it isn't great at the moment. Here's hoping that some good things happen in your household this week.


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