Friday, December 3, 2021

Nature Friday - The Perfect Tree

Thanks to Rosy for hosting this event.

Phod: Hailey, what have you been eating?

Lee: Just some bird seed. I was helping fill the feeders. But Phod that is what we are here to talk about today. Today we are here to share a very special tree in our backyard. 

This is our spruce. It is clearly nature's perfect Christmas tree! Even on a rainy December day, you can see how beautiful it is! 



  1. yes that is THE tree.... absolutely perfect ;O)

  2. A beautiful tree! And all yours, Lee and Phod.

  3. That is an absolutely gorgeous tree!

  4. gorgeous tree and needs no decorations... beautiful

  5. That is a purrfectly shaped TREE....I think I recall some Photos being taken by it of you two lovely friends!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Hari Om
    Au naturel - the very best of trees!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. That is a beautiful Christmas in your yard.

  8. That is indeed a very beautiful tree. How do the branches know how to grow so perfectly symmetrically?

  9. That 'Christmas tree' looks like the king of your property. So regal and erect. 🌲

  10. That sure a nice tree, and last thing I ate was pumpkin seeds.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  11. So very true, that is the most perfect tree....but Lee, it bird seed as delicious as it sounds???
    Rosy and the Gang

  12. It is a beautiful tree, in any season. Who climbs it to put a star on top? 😁

  13. That tree is gorgeous! The people up by the highway USED to have a gorgeous tree like that. Late Friday Night, just after the snow started, someone cut it down. The people at that house are not happy. Will you guys decorate yours?


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