Friday, October 8, 2021

Nature Friday - Fall and Fairies

 Thanks to Rosy for hosting this hop. 

Night comes early now.

The leaves are quickly changing.

Fungi have popped up everywhere.

Lady and Man say this is a fairy circle. Where are the fairies?


  1. oooh you have a witch circle ? how great so you can do some magic spells :O)

  2. Your autumn colors are so pretty.

  3. I see you found the pefect fairy to sit in the fairy ring. it is odd they are growing in a circle.. trees are amazing

  4. Ohhhh look at that pretty night time sky.
    OMDs Lee there is fungus among us!
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Yes it is, a circle of wonder ... perhaps after dark ... lightning bugs twinkle like fairies?

  6. Hari Om
    Yes indeed, last night I went into the kitchen for something and realised that even though it was not yet seven of the pee and emm, I had to put the lights on... hey ho and down the year we go. Hugs and wgas, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. You sure have some pretty colors around you. We think you are the sweet fairy in the middle of the circle Hailey.

  8. When a fairy appears, Lee will be there to greet him/her.

  9. What beautifully colored leaves you have. Watch out for the fairies-I've heard they can be mischievous.

  10. The fairies are hiding under the fungi....that's what Daddy says anyway(we have a big fairy circle in our front yard).

    We love your changing leaves!!!

  11. We never even saw a fairy circle before. But I am pretty sure I am afraid of fairies. Don't eat the mushrooms.

    Love and licks,

  12. Wow! There must have been roots from an old tree where those mushrooms are growing. Or, maybe there were fairies.

  13. It dark by 7 in evening.
    Coffee is on and stay safe


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