Tuesday, May 18, 2021

New Supervisor

 On Friday, I was in a training until 5:30. The Man finished his day and went for a nap. Usually Lee will join the person napping. She loves a bed nap. However, she decided to take Phod's job as supervisor. (Phod had go with Man). 

She says that while I worked well, she is mad that her 4pm walk was so late! 


  1. better to change the jobs and get your old one back O)

  2. Hari OM
    Well done to Lee and Phod for distributing their snoopervisory tasks equally! YAM xx

  3. Lee I love your downward dog pose.
    Good to know you are as good a co worker as you are a co napper
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. We love a good bed nap too but making you wait so long for your walk is not acceptable. Surely your dinner wasn't late too, was it?

  5. Yup, they gotta stick to the routine. We always know what time it is, don't we, Hailey?!

  6. Those humans do need to be snoopervised very closely!

  7. That last photo speaks loudly that Lee is very ready for that walk!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  8. That pretty rug your laying on.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  9. Patience is a virtue, sweet girl. Hope your walk was worth the wait.

  10. Sigh, we ARE creatures of habit. Our human had to go to Kelowna twice and Penticton once and Oliver this week. Because it was hot, I was not allowed to go with her in the car and my walks wee NOT at the right time. I was NOT happy.


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