Monday, February 1, 2021

Mischief Monday - Do You Know What Time It Is? By Lee

 I was reading in the paper that during the pandemic people really are losing sense of time. I find this completely unacceptable.

On Friday night, as a treat, my peeps ate pizza in front of the TV. They usually take their dinner at the dining room table. At first this was fine because being on the couch resulted in me getting more pizza. However when the pizza was gone, they continued to watch their show. I waited until 6:30 and then stood at the top of the stairs and waited very impatiently. I was stomping my feet. Do you know what they did? They laughed and took my picture. Sigh!

In the end my dinner was 10 minutes late. The things I have to put up with. 


  1. Those pesky Humans! Ten whole Minutes, the very nerve of them!

  2. I am helpless with laughter. you are Not Alone in this dear Lee.... Beau said to tell you he has had the same thing happen to him, but he has not stairs, he just stands his giant body in front of the tv, stomps and paces and he does a throaty rumble not quite a bark or growl.. it means get up and get my dinner

    That is a disgrace.
    Time to look for new peeps.
    Toodle pip!

  4. Lee please tell me I dreamed that your dinner was late? OMDs OMDs unacceptable and I hope and purr you documented this transgression
    Sincere hugs of sympathy
    PS my first C19 vaccine went well on Jan 30, #2 is Feb 22

  5. I had them trained to feed me dinner at 4. Then I began the Big Pestering. Lately I've been getting dinner at 3:30. I will keep working on this until I get my dinner at noon, and I will call this lunch. They're old, so when I start pestering again at 4, they'll think it's time for dinner again. It helps if your peeps are ancient and rickety. Love, Dilly Dog

  6. 10 minutes? that is like a whole year...or more ;O)

  7. Hari OM
    OMD, Lee, this is just terrible - clearly the COVIDitionitis is seeping into time management at your crib. Keep that foot stamping going gal-dog, register your protest firm and proud!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  8. That is just wrong, Hailey! Walter does a great job of making sure our meals are always on time if not early. He can be a real pest when dinner time is near. BOL!

  9. 10 minutes late?! That is just unacceptable!

  10. {snicker} Sorry Hailey, couldn't help but chuckle. Please make some allowances for your parents, for them, every day is "Blursday."

  11. I literally could not remember if today was Monday or Sunday this morning. I got you, Lee.

  12. Late meals are totally unacceptable!

  13. TEN miutes - HORRORS!!!! We start reminding Mom about dinner time about an hour ahead of schedule:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  14. TEN MINUTES! My goodness! You must have been skin and bones by then! #humansamiright

    Love and licks,

  15. Hee! Hee!! Cinnamon is exactly the same! She too has a fit when her supper is late! She BARKS at Mom! Have a marvellously (and dinner on time) Happy Day!


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