Friday, January 15, 2021

Nature Friday - A Contrast - Summer vs Winter

 Thanks to Rosy for hosting Nature Friday.

In the summer our lake looks like this:

In the winter it looks like this:

We only learned this, this year. This is our 8th winter at the lake and the first time Lady has braved going on it when it is frozen. She really wishes she had the camera the first time we went so she could show you how confused Phod was. He kept looking for the water! Anyway, we have enjoyed our 2 walks on the lake, even if Lady freaked out time two due to a little slush in one spot (the ice is very thick, you can see the snowmobile tracks on it). We will see if she will ever take us again!


  1. Wow - both photos are just beautiful!

  2. I would never ever never walk or drive on that lake, frozen or not i would fear it breaking. murphys law is my motto, if it can happen it probably will... it is beautiful and i prefer the water like Phod does

  3. That sure is a big difference from summer to winter on your lake. Just because there are tracks on the lake doesn't necessarily mean it's still safe. Around here there is almost always one snowmobile that crashes through the ice on one of our bays.

  4. Hari OM
    OMD I think I would be very wary of walking out there too... but I guess where snowmobiles go... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Wow, we are jealous. Beautiful winter walk!

  6. We've had such mild weather so far this winter, that our nearby lakes are either not frozen, or just have a thin layer of ice. Usually they'd all be frozen by now! (But we're not complaining.)

  7. We have had a strange winter and the ice on the lakes is dangerous, so there are no snowmobile tracks when Cinnamon and I went for a walk this week, Cinnamon was surprised about the ice just like Phod. Thanks for visiting Feline Opines and seeing Marv's Rant. Have a marvellously Happy Day.

  8. WOW PHOD I bet that was kinda weird...I hope come spring you don't try to walk on water.
    The lake is absolutely gorgeous and so blue
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Phod, Lee, do you have ice skates?

  10. What a great contrast! Your Mama is brave...I don't think our Mama would go on the lake!

  11. I feel ya, P. Mom and I kept looking for the lake too! Wow!

    Love and licks,

  12. That sure is confusing, Phod! Where is all that water?!?


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