Friday, April 26, 2019

FFF - Nature Friday - Celebrate

Today we join our dear friend Aunty-Yam for her FFF and her birthday. We send her the warmest wishes for this very special birthday, spent in a very special place for her. 

We also join Rosy and the Boyz for Nature Friday.

The book we used this month is The Lost World by Arthur Conan Doyle.

line 8 - eyes
line 12 - world
line 16 -stands

On my drive to work the other day
In the field before the hay
has had time to grow as spring arrives
what did I spy with my little eye?
but a pair of sweet young deer
standing looking at me without fear
I had entered their world, I know it is not mine,
but I am glad we shared it that day while the sun shined.


The deer are back! The move to higher ground for the winter, but in the past few weeks have been seen almost daily in the yard or around the house. Sometimes we see as many as 9 at once.  Phod has to go out on leash as he will chase them. We haven't seen any new fawns yet. We hope they will appear soon!


  1. I love to see them so close to a house with two dogs ;O) very brave ;O)

  2. love your story and would like to see a deer or 9 deer...

  3. Last night ghostwriter was at work at the nursing home. There were deer looking in the windows! I guess they already ate up all the flowers from the garden there and were looking for some dessert!

  4. Love your story and the picture!

  5. K10,quadruple bravo...I love the photo and the poem
    Hugs HiC

  6. A lovely poem and charming yard guests. 🦌

  7. What a treat! Spring is definitely happening...

  8. We have deer that walk through our yard every day. We never get tired of seeing them.

  9. What a great story about your deer. We haven't seen any around here lately but we usually see a fawn or two every summer.

  10. Midway has a resident herd. They drive Cinnamon nuts when they come in the yard! They have their fawn but are keeping them hidden. I am hoping to see them when I take Dave back to Midway next weekend.Great story for Auntie Yam! ]We shall have to pawticipate again. We have a ton more Gassy Jack the Racoon storied to tell!
    Purrs and Love
    Marv and Barb

  11. Interesting - here in Scotland the deer move to higher ground in the summer and stay low in winter.

  12. Those deer are beautiful! We don't have any near our house but I recently got to see a whole herd when I visited my inlaws. :)


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