Wednesday marked the 14th anniversary of when our first dog, angel Loki, entering our lives. He was a surprise Christmas gift. Those first 10 days were crazy difficult - he was up all night, I was studying for exams - I admit I wanted to send him back. But since then,we haven't looked back. Our house has always had at least one dog and for about 12 years of this 2.
This week we will try and remember what it was like to live in a dog-less house and to celebrate all the loving and fun memories they have helped us create.
Angels Loki and Gemini |
Hari OM could say this is part of the 'tradition' carried on from yesterday's post - special memories must certainly be part of the festive season!!! YAM xx
I agree with you... some times it is like "beam me up scotty", but after a while it is routine and we love it ...
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing that lovely photo!
ReplyDeleteYep, they are serial dog owners here as well…..Mum says looking after a dog came as quite a shock after only having cats……..and now she has to look after a PRINCESS!!!!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx
My mom had one dog for many years and then came Katie. Sadly, mom's older dog passed on when Katie was not even two and she became an only dog for three years. Once I showed up as the second dog, things changed forever. Mom can't imagine ever not having a dog, or even only one dog. Heavens, a few months with two of us and then Madison arrived because Mom said two was just plain lonely. I think she is a dogaholic!
ReplyDeleteSuch a cute photo of your angel dogs. They bring such happiness into life.
ReplyDeleteso precious, your little angels. we have had 30 of our 32 years together with 1 to 3 dogs at a time, we can't even remember those first 2 years without a dog
ReplyDeleteSpecial memories :-) Hard to imagine a home without a dog....or two...or ten BOL - Nose licks and love from Moth xx
ReplyDeleteLoki is so cute! Dogs bring so much happiness into peeps' lives...
ReplyDeleteLoki and Gemini sure were cuties. Our pawrents have had dogs in their lives nonstop for almost 30 years (except for a few weeks after Angel Nina died). It sure would be quiet and kind of boring if we weren't here to always entertain them.
ReplyDeleteWhat'a dogless house? It sounds so bizarre! Happy doggieversary!
ReplyDeleteOhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh too sweet and such a tribute to Loki and Gemini who paved the way for all the others. My peeps have been married almost 47 years. They have had a furry critter here for 40 of those years.
ReplyDeleteHugs madi your bfff
Can't even imagine a dogless house!
ReplyDeleteWhat cute angel pups! We're trying to figure out how long we've had doggies in our house. Ghostwriter thinks we got our Patron Saint, Old Charisma when the youngest sibling was about four years old. Now he's 29! So that's 25 years! Where does the time go?
ReplyDeleteA home is not a home unless there are hairs, marks, sniffy and slobbered on favorite toys. ... Now I am not on about De Ark and me.
ReplyDeleteIt's a well known fact around here, if you want to stay immaculate and slobber free stay outside the door.
Such great memories. They last forever.
Luvs Freya Rose Blossom and De Ark xx
Such cute photos! I don't remember a time when we weren't growing up with dogs, and of course Nola is my first dog on my own.
ReplyDeleteWhat a couple of adorable Angels!!
ReplyDeleteHow cute angels Loki and Gemini are! Mom can't imagine a dog-less home.
ReplyDeleteIts been one of those days for me, and seeing your picture has given me a lift and a good reminder. What a sweet, sweet photo, that I know comes with so many memories.
ReplyDeleteI cannot remember my life without dogs - They are truly intertwined in the fabric of our lives, aren't they?
I thought I was new to having dogs! Our first came almost 22 years ago. We haven't been without one since, other than a few months after we lost our first one and before we got the next.
ReplyDeleteOnce a pet has put their paw print on your heart, you are hooked. You are just like us. 45 years ago we got married and 6 months later got a Siamese. We had to leave our pets allowed. We never looked back. We got another meezer and have always had 2 meezers. I can't imagine life without them.
It's too hard to even recall let alone, contemplate. I am richer for having had all the pups in my life. 🐾