Monday, February 4, 2013

Mischief Monday - about Phod, by Lee

Who me?

I am calling mischief on Zaphod. I am tired of everyone saying I am the rotten one. Mr. Phod is not perfect. He is not. He does some bad stuff. First, he likes to go into the laundry basket in the bathroom and chew up dirty dish clothes. These dish clothes were made by my Lady's Grandmother who died before I was here. They are special dish clothes. He doesn't get in trouble for it. [Editor's note: I had teased my Nana that I wanted 100 clothes in my cupboard before she died, so I would never have to buy another one. I got 75, so since we have a cupboard full of them , losing a few isn't such a big deal].

Second, he likes to go into the clothes laundry and take out Lady's underwear and chew it. He has ruined some. He also tries to sniff people while they are on the toilet if they let him in the bathroom. This is rude. Again he doesn't get in enough trouble. 

I call mischief on Phod and I hope Lady will notice he isn't perfect and I will not be the only dog engaged in devilment. 


  1. Sometimes a call out is necessary, Hailey.

  2. Oh a bit of devilment does us all good. Have a marvelous mishcievous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. yes it does. We wouldn't want to be perfect, that would be boring.

  3. Lol! Shiner also enjoys a good pair of underwear every now and then...

  4. Hi Lee,

    Are you sure Phod did it all or is this just more mischief on your part? Tee Hee

    Have fun,

    Your pal Snoopy :)

    1. Lady has caught him doing these things and not me. I do other bad stuff, this is his.

  5. We are sort of torn on this post. As you fully know, a dog MUST smell these things. But on the other hand, it is very bad manners. Oh, what to do?

    Murphy & Stanley
    Two Cool Doods

    1. Bad manners to humans, not us dogs. We say do the dog stuff.

  6. BOL! Undies and dish cloths! Thats quite a combo! Have a great day!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  7. We know mom is making up all these stories
    Benny & Lily

  8. Fair enough. We knew you wouldn't be the only one!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

    1. Our Lady is glad to here that. Sometimes she think we are the only ones who are naughty.

  9. Dear Lee,

    Better tell Phod that it's a good thing Santa isn't coming again for months and months and months...


    1. Our Lady says the rate we are going we will be lucky if Santa ever comes again.

  10. Hailey, don't worry me and Kirby are well aware that Phod is no perfect angel, you are just his little scapegoat! Good on you for letting it all out!

  11. Ha ha ha! This is pretty funny stuff! *I* am a good boy and I never chew up any of my Human's underwears. Do you know my friend Tutu at Whisppy? She's a sweet Tortie kitten (well, maybe Hell on Wheels is a better description than "sweet") who loves loves loves dishcloths.

  12. BOL, sniffing people's when'z they'z on the toilet, and nicking underware..:) Youz been busted now..BOL xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  13. Chester has destroyed probably 100 pairs of my underwear over the years. Eventually he trained me to keep them out of his reach :)

    1. The closet door is suppose to be closed to prevent this, but sometimes it gets left open . . .


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