Monday, September 16, 2024

Mischief Monday - The Terrible Adventure - by the Lady

Last week, the Man and I had to be out of town for a few days for a wedding. We were able to secure a place with a person we know who is doing pet sitting's in her home. We were doing this as a short test run before a longer trip later this fall.

The only real draw back about this place, is it over an hour from our home. Tuesday night after work, we got into the car, and drove.The drive was a bit of an adventure.

First, they had trouble sharing the seat. This has never happened. 

Move your butt

Next, Phod threw up on Hailey.

I want this side

If this wasn't bad enough, he had been eating poop. So yes, he threw up poopy vomit on her. Fortunately it was close to where we were going so we didn't have to smell it too long. Later, when cleaning the car, it appears Lee may have also had a poop.

This is how they were sitting when Phod threw up on her. And she didn't move. She held her place in the car. 

We arrived safe and sound and a little dirty. The dogs were excited and explored the main floor, the outside and happily met the couple's dog Laddie. We stayed a bit and then we drove home (as our flight was the next morning).

The first night and for the first 24 hours, Zaphod Beeblebrox refused to sleep. He ate, and drank and did all his business, but he panted and paced around.

The dog sitter was so kind and loving and the exact person you want to leave your dogs with and she stayed up with him all night. She was very concerned about him. We reached out to our vet, who said not to worry. It was a short time, and next time we can get some anxiety meds. (We remain hopeful she will take them later in the fall). 

We also came up with a plan to keep Lee and Phod on the main floor, and not sleep in their room. This plan worked much better for everyone and when the petsitter's husband came down the stairs the next morning, neither dogs woke up. 

This is how Lee did. 

My problem child was an angel. 

Come back on Thursday to hear how the next 2 days went. 

Friday, September 13, 2024

Nature Friday - I Will Not Pose - by Phod

 Dear pals,

First I thank Rosy and Sunny for hosting this. I much prefer when Lady does not try and include me in the nature pictures, but here we are.

Lady wanted me to show you how her sunflowers were doing. As you know, they were a little damaged after hurricane Debby. 

Lady says nature is amazing, look what the bent stalks have done:

They are close to the ground, but they have grown up so that Lady should get some more flowers this week.

Don't want to stop and pose

Good smells here

more miracle growing

The prize

I hope you enjoyed the sunflowers and I am sure there will be more of them. Lady grows these from seeds every year. It is the only gardening she really does, so she is proud of them.

your pal, too busy to pose, Phod

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Service I Expect - by Lee

 Dear pals,

I always like to keep things fresh and keep my people on their toes. This past week I have added a new game.

We go out. I go on my perimeter patrol. Then I decide it is too much effort to walk up the hill or up the stairs to the front door and I demand to be let in the basement.

This door is only opened for me when there is another person inside, because it is locked.

your pal, Hailey Bug who is trying new things out

Monday, September 9, 2024

Not So Much Mischief on Monday

 Dear Pals,

On Friday, Lady took us for our monthly Librela shots. As we mentioned last month, Lady wasn't sure about taking us both alone. If you recall our trip as a family had poop and vomit.

Friday morning, after some challenges getting us into the car (we aren't stupid, we didn't want to go), we had an uneventful drive to the clinic.

We waited well in the waiting room. Lee only barked when 2 little dogs barked at her first.

We went to the exam room.

While Lee complained a little during her shot, the tech said we are both super good dogs at the vet. Lady was excited to know we were good. 

We waited ok while Lady paid and made our next appointment.

The drive home was uneventful.

So it was a success, with not much mischief.

We hope this makes up from last months craziness.

your pals, the young at heart Lee and Phod

Friday, September 6, 2024

Nature Friday - Connecticut Adventures

 Thanks to Rosy and Sunny for hosting this event.

On August 23rd, I drove the 8.5 hours, through 2 provinces and 3 states to visit a friend who lives outside Hartford Connecticut. I had never been to Connecticut. The drive was beautiful and rather uneventful.

I had an amazing time with my friend and her lovely children. Here are some of the nature highlights.

My friend and I climbed the 1000 feet up to see the Heublein Tower in Talcott Mountain State Park.

Looking down from the top

The tower

The valley below

Fun fact, it was in this location that Eisenhower was asked to run for president. 

We also took a two trips to Enders State Forest, once without the children, and once for the children to play in the water. There are many places that are safe and less rocky that many people were enjoying. 

Finally, on the nature circuit, we went and picked flowers at a farm, and enjoyed some cows.

Rows of flowers

My cup

The weekend went by quickly and Monday I took the long drive home. Again a beautiful drive. 

I hope you enjoyed this mix of nature.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

A Patrol I Shouldn't Do - by Phod

 Dear pals,

We live on a very quiet private, one lane dirt road that has like 4 permanent residents and 6 cottagers. It is generally very boring. Well the other day, it was exciting. While I was out doing my yard patrol, two people I didn't know, jogged by. Now clearly this young couple, who were minding their business, were a great threat to my Lady, so I had to run  down the driveway barking at them, while Lady yelled for me to stop and that I was nice.

They laughed and kept running, and I didn't go after them. Once they were past my driveway, they were no longer a threat.

I may have taken this opportunity to do some road patrol.

Lady making me go back up the driveway

I am not supposed to be on the road without my Lady or Man, but I couldn't help it. The deer are by the apple tree a lot and there are so many cats. Lady will have to forgive me, because I am just doing the important job of keeping her safe.

your pal, Road Patrol Phod

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Happy Gotcha Day Hailey!

 Today, we celebrate 14 years with Hailey!

She has never been an easy dog. However, in spite of the destruction, anxiety and craziness, she has always been wonderful.

Today we celebrate 14 years with her!

Monday, September 2, 2024

Mischief Monday - When Lady was Away and New Food - by Lee

 Dear pals,

Lady will tell you about her brief time away on Friday. While she was gone, Phod and I made sure to not make Man's life easy. We got up in the night, and needed to get up too early. We took ourselves for walks. Man also switched our food to a senior food and while we love it, it has turned me into a poop machine (Phod doesn't have the same problem). I have been having accidents and needing to go 6 times a day. My people are working on switching me to another food that may not have me make as much poop. Apparently they don't like cleaning up poop from the house 1-2 times per day and taking me out to poop every other minute. 

As soon as Lady got back, she took me out, and I ran away to show her my displeasure.

Don't worry, I didn't go far and I came back ready for a cookie.

So basically, it has just been a normal sort of week in our house.

You pal, who is celebrating her Gotcha Day tomorrow, Hailey Bug