Thursday, September 14, 2023

My Neurology Follow Up - by Lee

Tuesday was a not so good day, as Lady took me and put me in the car for 87 million hours and made me drive through long traffic to go see my neurologist.

Once we finally arrived, I had to wait another 87 million hours for the assistant to come and take me to my neurologist where I was examined.

Waiting while Lady read a book

Then I was left for another 87 million hours while the neurologist and Lady talked.

Lady reports this is what was said. 

The neurologist noticed I was overall a bit better than when she first saw me. She noted that my back left paw is responding poorly like my back right. There is some discomfort in my back, so I likely have something going on. She said one thing at a time, and we can discuss back MRI later. To be clear, I am not in any significant amount of pain, just a little uncomfortable. 

The neurologist said she wants to try to take me off my steroids. So the plan is, for the next 2 weeks I stay on once a day, then I go to one every other day for 2 weeks. Then about a week after that I go back for a check up. Of course if I get worse, Lady can call and a new plan can be made.

She also said these sorts of things can take a long time to get better. So we need to be patient. This is not something I am good at and Lady is likely worse at it, so this will be hard. 

After they talked, my steroids and I were reunited with Lady, and we took the 87 million hour drive home. Phod and Man were happy to see me.

Happy to be home

So that is where we are right now friends. Thank you for your continued well wishes and POTP. 

your pal Hailey Bug

(Editor's note - the drive was about 1.25 hours, we had to wait 15 minutes for our assistant, Lee was away from me for about another 30 minutes, and the drive home was just under an hour). 


  1. Truth telling: it REALLY was 87-million whatever, we all know that! But we're glad you're safely back home now, where you belong ... and hope the slow withdrawal plan works well for all (the Lady included). Waiting, wondering, so very hard. Our paws are still together.

  2. Hari OM
    WEll, I take the good news from this in that you had not gotten any worse and there was enough improvement to reduce the meds... and I reckon that is worth sacrifice of 87 gazillion anythings to have checked out! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. We're glad to hear you are feeling a bit better, but we're keeping our paws crossed for a full recovery, Hailey.

  4. BOL LEE we all know time for dogs is way longer than frankly I believe you had to wait 87 million hours.
    Good to hear the report and everything crossed you will adjust to new med routine.
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Hi Lee, and thanks for the update. Gail and I are pleased that you are receiving the care and attention you deserve, and I, Nobby, totally believe your timing estimates.

  6. Good news you are better and getting off the sterioids but still not great news. more POTP coming your way for all of you. sorry about the time you had to spend waiting and riding, all things you hate to do... hugs and love and prayers for healing

  7. Why is is that so much needs to take time to improve. We sure hope that the new plan works well for Hailey and The Lady, and that all will be so much better soon. Lots of POTP headed your way.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  8. We continue to send you lots of AireZen and healing vibes, Hailey.

  9. We are with you on these 87 million hour trips, we drove from Connecticut to Wisconsin once for a dog show, it took forever! We are glad you are doing a bit better, keep healing pretty friend!

  10. So glad to see that you're doing a little better but we'll keep the POTP heading in your direction. ♥♥♥

  11. When are humans going to learn people time is NOT the same as dog time. We don't care what Lady says it took FOREVER right Hailey. We are glad to hear you are doing better Hailey sending more POTP your way. When Fenris was having neurological problems with his walking the high dose of prednisone cured him, we will never know what was wrong with him but we are just thankful the prednisone worked and he made a complete recovery.

  12. Oh no, for some reason we haven't been getting notifications and are just now seeing this news. We will keep our paws crossed for sweet Lee and send loads of healing POTP. Hugs and tail wags.

  13. Yes, it IS hard to be patient...but sill, we hope and pawray that things will go well, and that you will feel a lot better in days to come. Hang in here, Lee and your furmily, too.

  14. Sendng you purrayers and POTP and your Mama & Papa & Phod too.

  15. Lee, I’m glad you’re not in pain though I understand about being uncomfortable. And I know all about those long trips to the vet. Sending you purrs that you feel better. ~Ernie

  16. We come to bring Healing Pawkisses and Purrayers to feel better soon🙏🐾😽💞


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