Thursday, March 6, 2025

More Snow - by Phod

 Dear pals,

We got more snow last week. Not as much, but at least 5 or 6 inches. While in my youth I made lots of snow angels, in my old age, I stick to the face tunnels. It is best in the fresh snow. 

your pal, the snow loving Phod

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

A Real Life Conversation


After Hailey has been barking to get Lady to do things the Lady doesn't want to do.

Lady: You are not the boss of me.

Lee: I am so the boss of you and I will be the boss of you until the day I die and then my ghost will come back and boss you.

Lady: You are right. 

This is completely true if I look at my life the last 14 and a half years. Hailey has been in charge. She is said when we walk, where we walk, how long we walk. We picked a house based on her needs. We picked a second dog based on her preferences and needs. We go out, we go upstairs, we go downstairs, we sit in certain places, we do all the things to make her happy. She clearly is our boss. And I know it is getting worse as we just try and make her happy and comfortable in these last weeks. 

Monday, March 3, 2025

Mischief Monday - No Diet For Me!

 Dear pals,

I mentioned last Thursday that I was on a diet. It wasn't a full diet, Lady and Man were just trying to feed me more inline with what the vet suggested. However, the amount of food the vet suggested left me hungry. Furthermore, when Lady and Man tried to switch me to just the food that should help my kidneys, it didn't make my tummy feel good. Since we are all about the quality of my life, I get to eat what I want, when I want, within reason (sometimes I would eat too much and make myself sick). I also get more table scraps now. 

Lady wonders if other people have crazy food spots like us. It is taking over the island!

Currently to feed me looks like:

  • Some kangaroo (not pictured here as it is in my food bucket  (this makes up 1/3 of my food)
  • Some of my kidney care food (another 1/3 of my food)
  • 1/3 is some special food to help my tummy, and then my topper which is currently a rabbit fish mix.
  • On top of that I get my probiotic and some of the Ultra beef topper that also help my tummy
If Phod's food is any different, we switch, so Lady is having to do about the same for his (just less Kidney Care). Gone are the days of one scoop of food and Lady and Man are done. Now there is measuring and mixing.

your pal, the less hungry, Hailey Bug

Friday, February 28, 2025

FFF Nature Friday - Leaving Their Tracks

It is Aunty-Yam's FFF and Rosy and Sunny's Nature Friday.

A poem by Lee

No matter where I go

Even in the very deep snow

The turkeys leave their mark

I could follow the smell in the dark

I like to follow their trail

Because even though I am frail

I dream of catching one

It would be a lot of fun.

Turkey wing print on the snow bank

Turkey tracks in the snow, the drag marks are my back toes

You can see the trails they are making through the yard

Another wing print

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Excuse Me

 This new diet isn't working for me. Give me some of your toast.