Thursday, October 17, 2024

Pizza Please

 Pizza has always been one of Lee's favourite treats. It was our angel Loki's as well. Towards the end of his life we ordered him a small cheese pizza and tried to serve it whole. He had no idea what to do. We had to cut it up for him. I don't think, if in the same position Lee would have the same problem!

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Librela and Us

 Phod has been taking his shot for almost a year and a half and Lee for a few months.  We have both been lucky that it seems to be helpful. Besides not being uncomfortable, Phod finds it easier to get up and down. He will even occasionally get on the furniture and he is more likely to do the stairs.

Lee is less tippy. She runs more. She also gets on the furniture more often.

Lady says the draw back of less pain is we do want to explore more. Exploring more means trying to sneak next door, because we have just decided this is part of our yard. Hailey especially loves to track the 3 cats who live next door and some of the many, many strays around. Callie's people think it is funny to watch Lady and Man chase us around their yard. Sometimes they come out to laugh at her!

Going down the road to Callie's. Lady yelling "unsanctioned visit" didn't help. 

Coming out of the bush between our houses on the road, hoping to give Lady the brush off.

Lady standing blocking the path between our houses singing - stop in the name of love

We know this treatment may not be the best for everyone. And while Lady gets a bit annoyed with us, her main goal for our lives right now is quality of life, and this is improving it. We feel lucky to have this option. 

Monday, October 14, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving!

 Today is Canadian Thanksgiving. Here is our list of some of the things we are thankful for:

T- turkey and treats and all things yummy. We are grateful to have enough to eat. 

H - housing - we are grateful to have affordable housing that is wonderful and comfortable

A -animals - we are thankful for all the creatures we share our world with.

 - neighbours - we are thankful for our wonderful neighbours and Callie.

K - kindness - in a hard world we are thankful to be able to give kindness and when we receive it

F - family - we are thankful for our family whom we spent yesterday with

U - all of U! Our lives are better knowing you all. 

L - laughter - we are always thankful for sharing laughs!

We will be thankful when this photoshoot is over

Friday, October 11, 2024

Nature Friday - Colours

 The colour change is starting to happen. Stay tuned for more of autumn splender. 

Thanks to Rosy and Sunny for hosting this.