Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Travel Tuesday - 49 Hours in Thunder Bay - Day 2

 After a good sleep and breakfast in the hotel, we set off on an adventure.

Sunrising over Lake Superior

Our first stop was the Terry Fox National Historical Monument.

For those who maybe haven't heard of him, here is a very brief background. Terry was 17 when he lost his leg to cancer. While at university, he decided he was going to run a Marathon of Hope and run from coast to coast to money for cancer research.  He started on April 12, 1980 in Newfoundland. He started with little fanfare, but as he left Quebec and entered Ontario, he captured the hearts of a nation. Man even got to meet him when he ran near Ottawa. On September 1, 1980, he was in Thunder Bay.. This would be the last day of his run. The next day he announced he had to end his run as the cancer had returned and spread to his lungs. He had run for 143 days and covered 5373 km/3339 miles. He was 22. Terry lost his battle to cancer about 9 months later.  Every September local Terry Fox Runs are held and to date the Terry Fox Foundation has raised over $900 million. 

Terry was a very humble man and never understood all the fuss and why he was given so many awards. I think this is one of the reasons his legacy has continued 44 years later.  He truly embodied hope, courage, kindness and was a true hero. 

After this stop, it was off to Sleep Giant Provincial Park, where we did the Sea Lion hike. 

Man touching Lake Superior for the first time

Not the first time, but Lady happy to touch it

The Sea Lion

One of the park roads

Looking out to where one of the world's biggest silver mines had been in the 1800s.

a cool train bridge

After our morning adventures, it was time to head back to the city for lunch and to get ready for the reason we were in Thunder Bay - the wedding!

The wedding was held at Hazelwood Lake, with the reception in the city. 

Looking down to the lake

the lake

the lake

The bride and groom

It was a perfect, beautiful wedding. Everything was great. 

Come back next week for the last 1/2 day in Thunder Bay!


  1. oh how wonderful your country is!!! and what a story about a man who never gave up... all the best for the couple, 87 years full of happiness and much more

  2. so happy you were able to attend the wedding. there is an old movie named Thunder Bay, nothing like this one though. its beautiful, so is the bride, I love her dress.. this is the first I have heard of the young man running and losing our to cancer.

  3. Our mom remembers hearing about Terry Fox on his run. What beautiful scenery there is around Lake Superior and the bride and groom look great too.

  4. Hari OM
    Thank you for sharing that enheartening tale of the young Mr Fox... and that gorgeous couple. May they have many happy years together. You two brush up okay too!!! YAM xx

  5. For sure Terry Fox deserves a Historical Monument. Gail notices he was born in the same year as her.

  6. Everything about this post is so beautiful and special. Love the bride's dress and the two of you clean up pretty nicely too!

  7. WOW that first photo looked like 2 suns rising. Great snap.
    I didn't know about Terry Fox. I was sorry to read he lost his battle but goodness what a difference has has made in many lives. The Bride and Groom's photo is very beautiful.
    I really like her dress. I agree with YAMS last sentence.
    Hugs Cecilia


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